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What are the specific steps a community can take to reduce flood damage to be eligible for a higher contribution of ERAF?

12.5% - eligible communities have adopted four mitigation measures:

  1. National Flood Insurance Program (participate or have applied);
  2. Town Road and Bridge Standards (adopt standards that meet or exceed the 2013 template in the current: VTrans Orange Book: Handbook for Local Officials);
  3. Local Emergency Management Plan (adopt annually after town meeting and before May 1);
  4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopt a FEMA- approved local plan (valid for five years). Or, a draft plan has been submitted to FEMA Region 1 for review.


17.5% - eligible communities also:

Protect River Corridors from new encroachment; or, protect their flood hazard areas from new encroachments and participate in the FEMA Community Rating System. ERAF 17.5% Criteria

After a declared disaster the damage to public infrastructure including roads and culverts may approach a million dollars. Here is how the cost of damage will be carried by federal, state, and municipal taxpayers:



7.5% ERAF Rate

12.5% ERAF Rate

17.5% ERAF Rate

Federal Share




State Share




Municipal Share









(Source: Flood Ready Vermont: Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund)