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Municipality Triviality

Mike McLaine, Jon Dodd, Louise Luring, Herb Durfee, Carrie Dougherty, Julie Rohleder, and Michael McCarthy of Windham, West Haven, Saxtons River, Norwich, Mount Holly, Hyde Park, and all 45.2 square miles of Georgia, respectively, because they all knew that, in 1916, Albert Bacon Pratt (anagram: rental bobcat part) of Lyndon, Vermont, was issued patent no. 183492 for his Helmet Gun. Bravo muchisimo!

If a tanker is loaded with 5,000 barrels of petroleum at a temperature of 70°F and the coefficient of expansion is .0004, what is the net amount of cargo loaded? Wait. Sorry. Wrong question.

Here, try this one.

Some – perhaps many – faithful trivia peeps know that Barre got its name (supposedly) at a town meeting held in a Methodist meetinghouse on September 3, 1793, when Jonathan Sherman of Barre, Mass., and Capt. Thompson of Holden, Mass., fought each other for the privilege of naming the town, and Sherman won. However, the meeting featured another no less momentous decision that concerned animals. What was it?

When you, with or without Google’s assistance, know the answer, email it to

My answer, the one I slaved over a hot stove for, like, hours for, will appear in the obligingly opportune October issue.