Letter from Vermont Department for Children and Families Economic Services Division
280 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-1020
Date: June 26, 2024
Subject: Important Changes to the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program Beginning July 1.
Dear Municipal Leaders,
We write to inform you of significant changes to the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program that will take effect on July 1, 2024.
Under this new law, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria to qualify for a maximum of 80 nights of assistance from the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program.
Consequently, not all individuals experiencing homelessness will be eligible for this program. The legislation also stipulates a cap on the number of rooms the program can utilize. Specifically, from September 15, 2024, to November 30, 2024, and from April 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025, the program will be limited to using a maximum of 1,100 hotel or motel rooms statewide.
A small number of Vermonters currently receiving assistance from the General and Emergency Housing Program will no longer be eligible after July 1st. The majority who remain eligible will have the flexibility to use their 80 days as it best serves their needs. This means that some households might exit their hotel or motel units on July 1st and preserve their eligible days for colder weather, while others may choose to stay in the unit and use their 80 days this summer. The Department does not collect information about individuals' whereabouts once they exit the program. While some households will move into permanent housing, it is also likely that some may camp over the summer.
Below is the current number of people receiving General and Emergency Housing Program assistance in each district area as of June 17th:
District | Currently Eligible | Adults | Children |
Barre District Office | 159 | 210 | 54 |
Bennington District Office | 149 | 179 | 79 |
Brattleboro District Office | 183 | 209 | 51 |
Burlington District Office | 277 | 333 | 91 |
Hartford District Office | 67 | 76 | 21 |
Middlebury District Office | 16 | 17 | * |
Morrisville District Office | 25 | 29 | * |
Newport District Office | 16 | 18 | * |
Rutland District Office | 387 | 474 | 139 |
Springfield District Office | 47 | 61 | 22 |
St Albans District Office | 67 | 82 | 20 |
St Johnsbury District Office | 35 | 43 | 27 |
Grand Total | 1428 | 1731 | 504 |
During the cold weather months, December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025, only individuals who meet the new eligibility criteria may access the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program. During this period, in order to continue to develop emergency shelter options for individuals who may not be eligible, the Department for Children and Families has posted a Notice of Funding Opportunity for emergency shelter and permanent supportive housing projects. It is available on our website and applications must be submitted by 4:00PM on July 10, 2024. Municipal projects will receive priority in the review process.
If it would be helpful to have a meeting to answer any questions you might have, please let me know and we will work to arrange a meeting date and time.
Miranda Gray, Deputy Commissioner
Economic Services Division, DCF
To ask additional questions or discuss the changes, please contact Monika Madaras, the Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs for DCF, at monika.madaras@vermont.gov.
Agency of Human Services [toll free] 800-775-0506