The U.S. government is an essential funding and regulatory partner in much of the critical work that municipalities do. VLCT is tracking the executive orders, directives, changes in policy, and more coming from the federal government as they develop. We are sorting through the information and looking out for your interests during this critical period.
Rest assured that when we have clear and final information we’ll share it with you through our website, vlct.org, as well as the bi-weekly VLCT News, the monthly VLCT Journal, and stand alone emails like this one when there’s a critical update.
VLCT’s Advocacy and Municipal Operations Support teams continue to work with our national partners to understand how federal programs and funding are evolving. We advise all members who are concerned about potential funding effects on their local initiatives to contact their grantors directly – including federal agencies and state pass-through agencies – to learn the details regarding specific federal grant programs.
Additionally, the National League of Cities (NLC), which advocates for and works to protect the interests of cities, towns, and villages by influencing federal policy, strengthening local leadership, and driving innovative solutions, recently shared a fact sheet Presidential Actions Summary: Impact to Local Governments that you may find helpful.
VLCT will continue to advocate for robust federal investment in Vermont’s local governments both here in Vermont and nationally through our relationships with Vermont's congressional delegation and NLC – of which VLCT is a member and Ted Brady is on the board of directors.