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Grant Writing: Coordinating with the Municipality's Legislative Body - February 3, 2023

Thinking about applying for a grant for your municipality?  Then make sure you discuss it with the legislative body first.  Ask to be added to an upcoming meeting agenda and get their support on the record.  Although grant applications are often completed by others – like members of a planning or conservation commission, or even a member of the community - the legislative body needs to be aware of and authorize all grant applications that are submitted, especially since most require a match of the town’s funds. To ensure the legislative body is officially on board, some grants require a signed resolution as an attachment of the application.  If your application is successful and results in an award, then you will need the legislative body (the Chair or Vice Chair) to sign the grant agreement since it is a legal and binding document, and they have the authority to bind the town.  There are times when the legislative body may decide to designate someone to sign the agreement on their behalf.  If this happens, be sure this decision is made in the realm of a warned meeting and captured in the meeting minutes.