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What are some resources we can consider to help us prioritize the request for and uses of ARPA funds?

As you begin to gather feedback on how your local ARPA funds should be spent, you might consider the following questions as you formulate your criteria for uses/requests:

  • Does the use/request follow the intent of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (aka ARPA)?

    • Fight the pandemic and support families and businesses struggling with its public health and economic impact

    • Maintain vital public services, even amid declines in revenue resulting from the crisis

    • Build a strong, resilient, and equitable recovery by making investments that support long-term growth and opportunity

  • Does the use/request comply with the Town Plan?

  • If the Town has a Master Plan or any other plans, studies or reports, is the use/request included in them?

  • If the Town has a Capital Improvement Plan, is the use/request contained in the CIP?

  • Does the use/request set a precedent that will be difficult for the Town to fulfill for others in the future? (ex. stormwater project on private property)

  • Does the use/request create an ongoing expense that will need to be funded with property taxes when ARPA funds have been exhausted? (ex. hiring new Town employees)

  • Does the use/request have broad community benefit or does it benefit just a few?

  • Does the use/request bring long-term value to the community for generations to come?

  • Can the use/request leverage other grant funds? (ex. Town Hall improvements – town could apply for funding through new source from H.518; paving projects – has the Town applied for a paving grant from VTrans?)

  • Can the use/request be redirected to an existing program with the State’s ARPA (or other funds)?  (ex. direct assistance to households for housing expenses, refer them to: Housing Resources for Vermonters in Need)