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Open Funding Opportunities

The grants below are accepting applications. If a grant you saw previously isn't here, the grant has closed.

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Funding Entity:  Vermont Economic Development Authority

Eligible Activities:  Provide loans for startup broadband projects and expansion of existing broadband networks. Eligible project costs include working capital, construction, and infrastructure/installation.

Funding Tool:  Loan

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Note:  Feasibility study and/or a detailed business plan is required.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Community Broadband Board

Eligible Activities:  Finance broadband projects of eligible providers that are part of a Universal Service Plan. Projects must achieve speeds of at least 100/100 Mbps symmetrical at all on-grid underserved and unserved locations within their Universal Service Plan within 24 months of application approval or grant agreement deadline.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to a formula amount based on roads unserved or underserved in the CUD District or towns

Match:  Encouraged via Town Match Program for Broadband program, but not required.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; Eligibility Screening Pre-Proposal required. Full proposals are by invitation only.

Apply Via:  Online form


Note:  Municipalities are not eligible applicants, but are encouraged to work with a provider to apply for funding.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Community Broadband Board

Eligible Activities:  Preconstruction costs related to broadband projects that are part of a universal service plan and meet other criteria as specified in Act. 71. Eligible activities are feasibility studies, business planning, pole data surveys, engineering and design, and make-ready work associated with the construction of broadband networks, including consultant, legal, and administrative expenses, and any other cost deemed appropriate by the Board.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  up to a published estimated formula amount per Communication Union District (CUDs)

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Note:  This program is funded by State ARPA funds.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Economic Development

Eligible Activities:  Remediation of brownfield sites for eligible sites

Funding Tool:  Grant to non-profits and municipalities; loans to private developers, nonprofits, and municipalities

Min/Max Funding:  Maximum $200,000 per parcel for DED’s federally funded program. No maximum limit for State funded program.

Match:  Required, but amount not specified for DED’s federally funded program. Match is 10% for State funded program.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form submitted via email


Note:  Applicants must have completed a Phase 1 environmental site assessment prior to site acquisition and be enrolled in the Brownfields Reuse and Environmental Liability Limitation Program (BRELLA)

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Eligible Activities:  Assessment and remediation of brownfield sites for eligible sites

Funding Tool:  Grant and/or loan

Min/Max Funding:  Not specified on program website. Funding is gap funding.

Match:  Unknown. Application requests information about other funding sources.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form submitted via email


Note:  Applicants can have neither caused nor contributed to the contamination nor be connected to any person or organization that has caused or contributed to the contamination

Funding Entity:  Regional Planning Commissions

Eligible Activities:  Assessment and/or remediation of brownfield properties

Funding Tool:  Grant for assessment; grant and/or loan for remediation

Min/Max Funding:  Maximum $200,000 per parcel for federally funded program. No maximum limit for State funded program.

Match:  Varies by regional planning commission

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form submitted via email

Link:  Find the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) serving your municipality at Several RPCs have revolving loan funds for remediation. These programs can assist sites throughout the state.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Emergency Management (State ARPA)

Eligible Activities:  Buyout of developed properties (conditions apply), purchase of vacant at-risk parcels or vacant (conditions apply), developable parcels, structural elevation or relocation projects,  restoring natural floodplain access, dam removal projects, natural infrastructure and nature-based solutions for flood storage or improved floodplain and river function, green infrastructure and low-impact development to manage stormwater and reduce future flooding (must be ineligible for other funding sources), community flood risk reduction assessments for communities within the Lake Champlain Basin, project scope for Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) or other flood risk reduction grant programs, planning or education and outreach initiatives that improve understanding of flood risk, other innovative applications that reduce future flood risk, non-federal match for FEMA project applications under the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program (based on need), and management of awarded projects.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No maximum award listed

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, until funds are allocated; next - and potentially final - application review is July 31, 2023

Apply Via:  Online form


Note: Projects for municipal and/or public infrastructure require the municipality to have a currently approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)

Funding Entity:  Vermont Emergency Management

Eligible Activities:  Typical hazard mitigation projects include: mitigation of local roads and bridges, home acquisition (buyout), structural elevations or relocations, replacement of undersized culverts, mitigation outreach and education, planning, development of a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, etc. Project proposals do not need to be directly connected to damages incurred from the most recent declared disaster. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No maximum award listed

Match:  Management costs are 100% federally funded. Due to the recently passed state budget for FY2025, there will be no local match requirement. The program typically requires a 25% local match.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, until funds are allocated. Pre-Application Forms submitted by 08/30/24 receive priority for funding. Pre-Applications will be evaluated for eligibility, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness. Projects found to meet these requirements will then be invited to apply, provided technical assistance (if requested), and submitted to FEMA once completed, by late 2024.

Apply Via:  Via email. Contact to discuss your project prior to applying.



  • Communities must have a FEMA approved and adopted Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) and Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) to receiving a project award. Applications can be submitted without these plans, but awarded funds will not be released until the plans are in place.
  • Communities must be in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program if a special flood hazard area (SFHA) has been identified in the community and if the proposed project is located within the SFHA.
  • Landslide buyouts must have a letter from the State Geologist (imminent risk).
  • A FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) is required, except for most property buyouts and elevations. Some assistance is available for completing a BCA. Submit the Pre-Application Form to access assistance.
  • VEM staff are available, upon request, to provide technical assistance at any point in the process. Contact

Funding Entity:  Federal Emergency Management Agency via Vermont Emergency Management

Eligible Activities:  Supports project scoping for a specific structure or a larger area; Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) development or update; project construction, such as a home buyout, floodplain restoration or culvert upsizing; and management costs.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No maximum award listed

Match:  25% of approved project costs or 10% of approved project costs for Community Disaster Resilience Zones (City of Barre only) and Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities (EDRC). Management costs are 100% federally funded up to 5% of total project costs.

Application Closing Date:  Applications must be submitted to Vermont Emergency Management by 01/12/24

Apply Via:  FEMA GO; if your community is interested in applying, VEM requests you email your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and municipality name to VEM must set up your municipality in the FEMA GO system as part of the State of Vermont application.



  • Municipalities must apply for this grant through Vermont Emergency Management. The State submits one application containing all Vermont projects.
  • Communities must have a FEMA approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) at the time of application submission and application award. If your community wants to create or update its LHMP or wants to inquire about the status of last year’s BRIC application for LHMP updates, email  
  • Vermont has a $2 million federal share set-aside for this program. Projects over $2 million also can apply and will be submitted for consideration in a national competition.
  • An Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community (EDRC) is a community of 3,000 or fewer individuals identified by the applicant that is economically disadvantaged, with residents having an average per capita annual income not exceeding 80% of the national per capita income, based on best available data. Contact VEM at to learn if your municipality qualifies.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Council on Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports to three to five communities annually, focusing on local climate action solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy efficiency, build climate resilience, and fortify the local climate economy. Services provided, such as community engagement, strategic planning, technical assistance, and project implementation, are adaptable to each community's unique needs.

Funding Tool:  Technical Assistance

Min/Max Funding:  Not applicable. This is a grant of services.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  01/16/24

Apply Via:  Online application


Note:  Priority will be given to projects showcasing collaboration, equitable engagement, increased resilience, emissions reduction, and economic strengthening, with the potential to serve as models for other Vermont communities. Eligible entities include Town Energy Committees, Energy Coordinators, municipal leadership, or Climate Catalysts.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Eligible Activities:  

  • Supports conservation projects of statewide significance, including natural areas that support vital ecological or conservation functions and values; provide habitat for rare or endangered species; or have physiographic or geological features of statewide significance (waterfalls, caves, gorges, river deltas, etc.).
  • Supports conservation of locally significant projects for outdoor public recreation, natural area protection, historic preservation, agricultural land preservation, and the maintenance of a community’s scenic integrity or definition of its identity. Multi-purpose projects are most competitive.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $150,000 plus associated costs (ex. appraisals, options, closing costs)

Match:  ⅓ of total project costs

Application Closing Date:  Reviewed as received

Apply Via:  Online application portal



  • Applicants are requested to call VHCB staff to discuss their project prior to completing an application.
  • Program does not fund construction of buildings or recreational facilities.
  • Conservation easement or other VHCB Board-approved legal mechanism to protect a property in perpetuity required.

Funding Entity:  State Natural Resources Conservation Council

Eligible Activities:  Supports general project scoping and specific project development.

  • General project scoping identifies projects for development and includes activities such as reviewing the State’s database and existing plans and documents, discussing projects with the State, responding to landowner questions, conducting site visits to develop strategies, gauging landowner interest, and communication with municipal staff and committees about River Corridor or Stormwater Master Plans.
  • Specific project development aims to gather information and commitments needed to bring a project into the initial design phase and between design and implementation phases. It includes activities such as refining a project’s scope, identifying and contacting landowners and securing landowner support, working with partners or online tools to estimate pollution benefits and project costs, reviewing natural resource concerns and permit needs, contacting relevant stakeholders, meeting with municipal staff and/or the legislative body to encourage project implementation, and developing concept drawings and memos for determining project feasibility.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $10,000

Match:  None required, but welcomed

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; applications are reviewed monthly until available funds are exhausted

Apply via:  Online application form submitted via email


Note: Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the Vermont Clean Water Initiative Program Funding Policy prior to developing an application.

Funding Entity:  Addison County Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports getting landowners, municipalities, and other partners "on board" with projects to improve water quality and to move those projects towards design and implementation. Eligible activities include reviewing and prioritizing projects in existing plans, contacting landowners, reviewing permit needs, meeting with municipalities, estimating phosphorus reduction potential, and developing basic concept drawings.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $34,000

Match:  None specified

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply via:  Email


Note:  Funds cannot be used for any project requiring a 3-acre permit or any project obligated under the law.

Funding Entity:  Mount Ascutney Regional Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports preliminary (30%) engineering design, final (100%) engineering design, and implementation of clean water projects with a primary purpose of mitigating sediment and nutrient pollution to surface waters.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None noted

Match:  Projects that contribute to a MS4 community achieving flow and/or phosphorus reduction targets as identified through a Flow Restoration Plan (FRP) or Phosphorus Control Plan (PCP) must provide a minimum of 50% match. Non-MS4 projects do not require match. However, contributed match funds are considered during the proposal scoring process.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply via:  Email



  • Contact to confirm project eligibility and availability of funds before applying.
  • Funds cannot be used for any project requiring a 3-acre permit or any project obligated under the law.

Funding Entity:  State Natural Resources Conservation Council

Eligible Activities:  Supports preliminary (30%) engineering design, final (100%) engineering design, and implementation of clean water projects with a primary purpose of mitigating sediment and nutrient pollution to surface waters. Eligible project types include floodplain/stream restoration, lake shoreland, wetland, stormwater, agricultural pollution prevention, forestry, stormwater gully and some road projects.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $15,000

Match:  Non-regulatory projects: not required. Regulatory projects: none if public/private partnership or non-MS4 public entity or 50% of project cost if MS4 community or private entity. 

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; applications are reviewed monthly until available funds are exhausted

Apply via:  Online application form submitted via email


Note: Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the Vermont Clean Water Initiative Program Funding Policy prior to developing an application.

Funding Entity:  Northwest Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include stormwater projects on developed land that are not required by a permit; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian and lakeshore; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed; Cost versus phosphorus reduction ratio is considered

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  05/09/24

Apply via:  Email


Note:  Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include sub-jurisdictional practices related to developed lands; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian, lakeshore, and wetland protection and restoration; forestry projects that provide water quality protection and restoration beyond the requirements of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Acceptable Management Practices; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed; Cost versus phosphorus reduction ratio is considered

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Applications may be submitted at any time. Next review deadlines are 10/13/24 and 11/15/24.

Apply via:  Email


Note: Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  Northwest Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include stormwater projects on developed land that are not required by a permit; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian and lakeshore; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed; Cost versus phosphorus reduction ratio is considered

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Multiple opportunities to submit with application cycle deadlines of 09/17/24, 01/22/25, and 05/21/25

Apply via:  Online application


Note:  Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include sub-jurisdictional practices related to developed lands; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian, lakeshore, and wetland protection and restoration; forestry projects that provide water quality protection and restoration beyond the requirements of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Acceptable Management Practices; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed; Cost versus phosphorus reduction ratio is considered. At this time, projects with a projected cost-efficiency of greater than $50,000 per kilogram-of-phosphorus (P) reduction over a 15-year lifespan (i.e. Engineering + Construction Costs / kilograms-P-reduced) will generally not be funded. Such projects will be addressed on a case-by-case basis using a pre-proposal.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Multiple opportunities. Upcoming deadlines are 08/05/24

Apply via:  Online form submitted via email


Note:  Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  Addison County Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include sub-jurisdictional practices related to developed lands; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian, lakeshore, and wetland protection and restoration; forestry projects that provide water quality protection and restoration beyond the requirements of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Acceptable Management Practices; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Based on total phosphorus load reductions achieved versus project cost

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Multiple opportunities. Upcoming deadline is 10/09/24.

Apply via:  Online form submitted via email


Note: Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  Watersheds United Vermont

Eligible Activities:  Supports implementation of high priority, cost-effective, native riparian woody buffer plantings. Riparian forest buffers must be of sufficient width, intercept sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and other materials in surface runoff and reduce nutrient and other pollutants in shallow subsurface water flow. Projects involving the installation of woody buffers along rivers and streams must have a minimum buffer width of 35 feet and a minimum planting density of at least 300 stems/acre.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $300,000

Match:  None required.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Funding Entity:  US Environmental Protection Agency

Eligible Activities:  Supports community-driven projects that build capacity for communities to tackle environmental and climate justice challenges, strengthen their climate resilience, and advance clean energy. There are two grant tracks: 1) Community-Driven Investments for Change and 2) Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  ~$10 to $20 million Community-Driven Investments for Change; ~$1 to $3 million Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance 

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling through 11/21/24

Apply Via:


Note:  Local governments must partner with a community-based nonprofit organization to apply. Multiple Vermont communities are eligible for this grant.

Funding Entity:  US Environmental Protection Agency

Eligible Activities:  This program will help eligible entities develop an application for EPA Community Change Grants by providing grant application support, project planning and development, outreach and engagement, and general capacity building.

Funding Tool:  Grant of technical assistance

Min/Max Funding:  None. This program provides technical assistance for the Community Change Grant application.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form


Note:  If you are awarded a Community Change grant, the program also provides grants management and reporting support.

Funding Entity:  US Environmental Protection Agency

Eligible Activities:  This program will help eligible entities develop an application for EPA Community Change Grants by providing free design and project development assistance, community engagement, and partnership development workshops that support climate resilience and environmental justice activities in disaster-prone areas. Climate resilience projects must have a direct benefit to disadvantaged communities and could include retrofits to community-serving buildings; design or redesign of public parks, open space, and waterways; redesign of streets; or other projects that address climate resilience and environmental justice.

Funding Tool:  Grant of technical assistance

Min/Max Funding:  None. This program provides 4 to 5 months of technical assistance.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form


Note:  Eligible sites for this technical assistance must in a disaster-prone area and benefit a disadvantaged community.

Funding Entity:  Northern Borders Regional Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports a broad range of forest-based economy initiatives such as public infrastructure projects that directly support the forest industry; community development projects that support the diversified use of forest for economic activity; workforce training and development projects for the purpose of building the skills and recruiting and retaining the workforce needed for forest businesses; and marketing, communication and education projects that are paired with previously mentioned projects.  

Funding Tool:  Grant

Application Closing Date:  There are two application rounds:

  • 03/15/24 03/22/24 Pre-application (Required); 05/03/24 Application (By invitation only)
  • 09/06/24 Pre-application (Required); 10/18/24 Application (By invitation only)

Min/Max Funding:   Up to $1 million or no more than 80% of the total project costs can be from federal funds (including NRPC), whichever is less.

Match:  20% Distressed Counties; 50% Transitional Counties

Apply Via:  Online application system


Notes:  This grant has unique requirements after an award is made, but before a Notice to Proceed is issued. Applicants are advised to read the program guidance and manual closely. Ex. All match/cost share must be committed by September 30 of the year following the award year.

Funding Entity:  Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC)

Eligible Activities:  Supports tree planting activities within municipal properties; within a town highway right-of-way; within State of Vermont highway rights-of-way; at public educational institutions; on properties owned by registered non-profit entities; and on private property provided an approved agreement is in place between an eligible subgrantee and the private property owner. Priority sites include:

Funding Tool:  Grant

Application Closing Date:  01/17/25

Min/Max Funding:   $5,000 to $75,000

Match:  None required

Apply Via:  Email



  • CCRPC is administering this grant on behalf of the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program.
  • The Urban and Community Forestry Program will provide direct technical assistance to applicants and grant award winners. See program website for assistance provided.

Funding Entity:  Rutland Regional Planning Commission and Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District

Eligible Activities:  Supports project identification and assessment, project development, preliminary (30%) design, final (100%) design, and implementation/construction of best management practices or other programs designed to improve water quality. Eligible project types include sub-jurisdictional practices related to developed lands; river corridor restoration and protection; floodplain restoration and protection; wetland restoration and protection; riparian and lakeshore corridor protection and restoration; natural woody buffers associated with riparian, lakeshore, and wetland protection and restoration; forestry projects that provide water quality protection and restoration beyond the requirements of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation Acceptable Management Practices; projects on agricultural land if the farm in question does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Required Agricultural Practices; natural resource restoration projects on a jurisdictional farm if confirmed by the VT Agency of Agriculture.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed; Cost versus phosphorus reduction ratio is considered

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Applications may be submitted at any time. Next review deadline is 08/16/24.

Apply via:  Online form submitted via email


Note: Projects must not be required by a permit (10 VSA, Chapter 47), or subject to the requirements of Vermont Agricultural Water Quality statutes (6 V.S.A, Chapter 215). Funding may be available for the portion of projects that exceed requirements set forth in the statutes above.

Funding Entity:  US Fish and Wildlife Service

Eligible Activities:  Supports projects that restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  up to $750,000

Match:  Not required, although USF&WS strives to achieve a minimum 1:1 cost share on selected projects

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until 09/30/24; Applications received after 06/30/24 may not be awarded until the following fiscal year (after 10/01/24)

Apply Via:


Note:  Applicants are requested to consult with a local Partners’ Program office before developing or submitting an application.

Funding Entity:  National Endowment for the Arts

Eligible Activities:  Supports activities that integrate arts, culture and design into local efforts that strengthen communities over the long term. Example activities include planning that incorporates artists or culture bearers, design (of the art or cultural project, of public spaces), supporting the creative economy, and creating opportunities for community building and arts engagement.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $25,000 to $150,000; very few awards are at or above $100,000

Match:  50% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  This grant has a two-step application process. 08/01/24; NEA Applicant Portal 08/15/24

Apply Via:



  • Projects engage a wide range of local stakeholders in efforts to advance local economic, physical and/or social outcomes in communities. 
  • Competitive projects are responsive to unique local conditions, develop meaningful and substantive engagement in communities, center equity, advance artful lives, and lay the groundwork for long-term systems change.
  • Applicants must have completed at least 3 years of arts programming prior to the application deadline.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a required partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local governmental or quasi-governmental entity. Local government can be the applicant or can ask a nonprofit partner to be the applicant and sign on as a partner.
  • For this grant cycle, NEA is particularly interested in arts, culture, or design projects that address health/well-being, transportation/infrastructure, or climate-related challenges within a community.

Funding Entity:  Federal Emergency Management Agency

Eligible Activities:  Provides supplemental Federal grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and specific facilities of certain types of private nonprofit organizations. There are seven categories of assistance, one or all are federally authorized for any disaster event. Encourages protection of damaged facilities from future incidents by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Based on FEMA-established minimum and large project thresholds for a fiscal year. For CY 2023, small project min/max is $3,800 to $999,999, and large project is ≥$1 million.

Match:  25% of total project cost; a portion of this match will be paid by the State of Vermont based on a municipality’s Emergency Relief Assistance Fund rate. Find your municipality’s rate on Flood Ready Vermont.

Application Closing Date:  30 days from the date the area (county, municipality) was designated in the declaration (the July 2023 flood event date varies for different counties in Vermont)

Apply Via:  FEMA Grants Portal



     VLCT-Compiled Resources:

Note:  Work funded through Public Assistance MUST include a contract provision encouraging (not requiring) the contractor to provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products or materials produced in the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products. This requirement also must be included in all subawards.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Emergency Management

Eligible Activities:  Provides public assistance to municipalities to repair damaged infrastructure after a presidentially declared disaster.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  State share of FEMA Public Assistance 25% required local match: 7.5%, 12.5% or 17.5% based on municipal disaster preparedness actions

Match:  Municipality provides the remaining share of FEMA Public Assistance required local match

Application Closing Date:  None

Apply Via: No application required; the State of Vermont pays its FEMA match contribution to the municipality based on FEMA payment to municipality and municipality’s ERAF rate


Funding Entity:  Vermont Agency of Transportation

Eligible Activities:  Supports repair or reconstruction of Federal-aid highways and roads on Federal lands which have suffered serious damage because of natural disasters or catastrophic failures from an external cause. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Not specified

Match:  10% for interstate highways; 20% for all other Federal-aid highways and roads on Federal lands; 0% for Federal Lands Management Agencies

Application Closing Date:  To be determined; VTrans must submit an application to the Federal Highways Administration within two calendar years of the date of the disaster

Apply Via: VTrans (process to be determined)


Funding Entity:  USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Eligible Activities:  Offers technical and financial assistance to help local communities relieve imminent threats to life and property caused by natural disasters that impair a watershed. Planning, design, and construction oversight are part of this program. Eligible activities include: 

  • removing debris from stream channels, road culverts and bridges;
  • reshaping and protecting eroded streambanks;
  • correcting damaged or destroyed drainage facilities;
  • establishing vegetative cover on critically eroding lands;
  • repairing levees and structures;       
  • repairing certain conservation practices; and
  • purchasing EWP Buyouts.

Commonly eligible projects include head-cutting gullies, severely eroded stream banks and drainage ditches, wildfire damage, debris in channels, sediment deposits in creeks and drainage ditches, channel stabilization at culverts and bridges, and landslides causing a watershed impairment. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None specified

Match:  25% of construction costs; NRCS may provide up to 100% of costs for purchase of floodplain easement and restoration project.

Application Closing Date:  Project sponsors must submit a formal Request for Assistance within 60 days of the disaster occurrence or 60 days from the date when access to the sites becomes available. For the July 9-11 and July 29-31, 2024, flood events (together, EWP Event 5042), the request deadline has been extended to September 30, 2024. 

Apply Via:  A Request for Assistance letter directed to VT’s NRCS office



  • NRCS staff conduct damage survey site visits after a Request for Assistance is submitted. 
  • Program assistance is only used to relieve a threat to infrastructure, not to repair the infrastructure.
  • Project sponsors may require the property owner to provide the match.

Funding Entity:  US Economic Development Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports disaster recovery activities including economic recovery strategic planning grants, public works construction projects including broadband and resiliency projects, workforce development, capitalization of revolving loan funds, and economic development projects that enhance density in the vicinity of other economic development

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimums or maximums are listed

Match:  20% 0f eligible costs, but factors such as project scale, extent of disaster impact, total project cost, relative community distress, and geographic distribution of funds can lower the match rate

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds have been expended

Apply Via:  EDGE


Note:  Supports recovery in areas where a Presidential disaster declaration was issued in calendar years 2021 and 2022. For Vermont, this includes a Severe Storm and Flooding (4621-DR-VT; statewide) in July 2021 and Tropical Storm Henri (3567-EM-VT; Bennington and Windham Counties) in August 2021.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Applicants must show that a major decline in quantity or quality of water occurred within two years of the date of the application. Grants are also awarded when a significant decline in quality and quantity of water is imminent. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding: 

  • Water transmission line grants up to $150,000 to construct waterline extensions, repair breaks or leaks in existing water distribution lines, and address related maintenance necessary to replenish the water supply
  • Water source grants up to $1,000,000 for the construction of new wells, reservoirs, transmission lines, treatment plants, and/or other sources of water (water source up to and including the treatment plant)

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  RDApply; Contact Rebecca Schrader, Lead Community Program Specialist,, before pursuing an application


Note:  Eligible entities are rural areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less. Must also have a median household income of no more than 100 percent of a state’s non-metropolitan median household income.

Funding Entity:  FEMA via Vermont Emergency Management

Eligible Activities:  Supports property buyouts, infrastructure projects (drainage, elevation, flood proofing, minor localized flood reduction projects) and planning. Typical projects include mitigation of local roads and bridges, home acquisition (buyout), structural elevations or relocations, replacement of undersized culverts, mitigation outreach and education, etc. Project proposals do not need to be directly connected to damage incurred from the most recent declared disaster. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None listed

Match:  25% of approved project costs

Application Closing Date:  Required Pre-Application Form 08/30/24

Apply Via:  Email. Contact Stephanie Smith, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, at 802-989-6793 or, to discuss your project before applying


Eligible Activities:  Typical hazard mitigation projects include: mitigation of local roads and bridges,

Match:  Management costs are 100% federally funded. Due to the recently passed state budget for FY2025, there will be no local match requirement. The program typically requires a 25% local match.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, until funds are allocated. Pre-Application Forms submitted by 08/30/24 receive priority for funding. Pre-Applications will be evaluated for eligibility, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness. Projects found to meet these requirements will then be invited to apply, provided technical assistance (if requested), and submitted to FEMA once completed, by late 2024.


  • Municipalities must have a FEMA approved and adopted local hazard mitigation plan and have an adopted Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP). Applications accepted from municipalities lacking one or both plans, but awarded project funds will not be released until the plans are in place.
  • Municipalities must be in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), if a special flood hazard area (SFHA) has been identified in the community and if the proposed project is located within the SFHA.
  • A Benefit Cost Analysis is required using FEMA software. Contact the Regional Planning Commission serving your municipality for assistance.

Funding Entity:  AmeriCorps (the federal agency for national service and volunteerism)

Eligible Activities:  Provides a team of 8-12 AmeriCorps NCCC members to participate in disaster response, recovery, and mitigation. Examples of service activities include, but are not limited to, supporting disaster recovery centers, shelters, and facilities; preparing and distributing meals or water; mucking and gutting flood or storm-damaged homes and buildings; debris removal; roof tarping; home and other infrastructure rebuilding; flood mitigation; surveying community assets; increasing disaster preparedness and resilience to adapt to climate change; and distributing educational materials and preparedness kits.

Funding Tool:  Grant of community service

Min/Max Funding:  Not applicable. This is a grant of assistance.

Match:  Sponsors provide adequate indoor or outdoor lodging with showers and cooking facilities for an 8-12 member team with separate female and male sleeping facilities.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via: Online application


Notes: Length of team service usually is 3 to 13 weeks and at least 40 hours of service activities each week. A sponsor may request  assistance for up to 60 weeks, contingent upon application approval.

Funding Entity:  VT Department of Environmental Conservation via its Clean Water Workforce Capacity Development Initiative Block Grant Program Administrator

Eligible Activities:  Supports organizational or community-level flood relief and recovery efforts via activities such as replacing lost or damaged equipment, technology or tools; moving expense due to loss of workspace; participating in forums on flood response or recovery; organizing river clean-up events; performing preliminary assessment of clean water project losses and workload planning/priority setting; covering refund expenses or revenue losses due to forestalled or cancelled programming or projects; and covering otherwise unbillable personnel time spent on flood-related efforts like filing insurance paperwork of consulting with landowners on how to “build back better”.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Unknown at this time

Match:  Unknown at this time

Application Closing Date:  Rolling through 07/31/24

Apply Via:  Application materials will be posted when the Block Grant Program Administrator contract is awarded.



  • This is a program pre-announcement to allow entities to prepare for the grant. Pre-award costs related to flood relief and recovery efforts starting on 07/10/23 are eligible.
  • Until a Funding Program Administrator is selected, questions may be submitted to the Clean Water Initiative Program at
  • This program should be a last resort once insurance and FEMA assistance for these types of replacement costs are fully capitalized. Funds from this program cannot supplant other sources.
  • This opportunity will be updated as the program evolves.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Utility Services

Eligible Activities:  Supports restoration, repair, or rebuilding of water infrastructure systems, include drinking water, wastewater, solid waste, and stormwater projects related to damages from Presidentially Declared Disasters that occurred between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. Also supports development of water infrastructure system capacity and resiliency to reduce or eliminate long term risks from hazards resulting from the eligible declared disaster. Costs reimbursed by insurance, FEMA, other EPA programs, state programs, and other programs cannot be covered by this program.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum award amount

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, until funds are exhausted

Apply Via:  RDApply. Contact USDA Vermont Office prior to applying.


Notes:  Eligible Vermont municipalities are those located in Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grant Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington Counties (Vermont Severe Storm and Flooding (DR-4695-VT) with a population ≤35,000.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports repair of essential community facilities in rural areas that were damaged by Presidentially Declared Disasters in Calendar Year 2022. Example “essential community facility” includes, but it not limited to, health care facilities, town offices/halls, streets, public works, community and childcare centers, fairgrounds, public safety, libraries, museums, utility services, and local food systems (community gardens, food pantries, food banks, etc.). Repairs also include the replacement of damaged equipment or vehicles, and the purchase of new equipment to undertake repairs to damaged facilities.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  There is no minimum or maximum award amount.

Match:  25% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  When funds are exhausted

Apply Via: Contact Misty Sinsigalli, USDA Vermont office, at 802-622-4119 or



  • Eligible Vermont municipalities are those located in Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grant Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington Counties (Vermont Severe Storm and Flooding (DR-4695-VT) with a population ≤20,000. The facility to be repaired must have been damaged in the declared disaster.
  • Requirements of USDA’s regular Community Facilities Direct Grant and Loan Program apply.

Funding Entity:  Federal Emergency Management Agency

Eligible Activities:  Provides funding for local governments to operate their essential community services after substantial revenue loss caused by a disaster. Essential services include police and fire protection, revenue collection, hazard insurance, trash collection, and public facilities maintenance. The funding can be used to carry on existing essential municipal services or to expand such services to meet disaster-related needs.

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  The cumulative estimated revenue loss for the fiscal year of the disaster and the subsequent three fiscal years, or up to 25 percent of a municipality’s annual operating budget for the fiscal year, or $5 million, whichever is less.

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  The close of your municipality’s next fiscal year after the last day of the presidential disaster declaration incident period. For the July 2023 floods, the incident period closed 07/21/23.

Apply Via: Undetermined at this time



  • Revenue loss must be greater than or equal to five percent. Audited financial statements for the fiscal year of the disaster and the three previous fiscal years, and an original operating budget for the fiscal year of the disaster, a projected operating budgets for the subsequent fiscal year, and three-year post disaster revenue projections are required to apply.
  • The loan term is five years. It can be extended to 10 years. The applicant selects the payment schedule. The interest rate is determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.
  • From the second year through the life of the loan (5-10 years maximum), a municipality must provide audited financial statements to FEMA. The loan may be cancelled if the municipality can show it has a cumulative operating deficit.

Funding Entity:  US Economic Development Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works (infrastructure, facilities and buildings, brownfields) and Economic Adjustment Assistance (CEDS development and implementation) programs

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  ~$600,000 to $5 million; average award has been $1.4 million

Match:  20% to 50% based on the region’s 24-month unemployment rate and/or per capita income

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds have been expended

Apply Via:  EDGE


Funding Entity:  US Economic Development Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports disaster recovery activities including economic recovery strategic planning grants, public works construction projects including broadband and resiliency projects, workforce development, capitalization of revolving loan funds, and economic development projects that enhance density in the vicinity of other economic development

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimums or maximums are listed

Match:  20% 0f eligible costs, but factors such as project scale, extent of disaster impact, total project cost, relative community distress, and geographic distribution of funds can lower the match rate

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds have been expended

Apply Via:  EDGE


Note:  Supports recovery in areas where a Presidential disaster declaration was issued in calendar years 2021 and 2022. For Vermont, this includes a Severe Storm and Flooding (4621-DR-VT; statewide) in July 2021 and Tropical Storm Henri (3567-EM-VT; Bennington and Windham Counties) in August 2021.

Funding Entity:  Northern Borders Regional Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports projects that address transportation, telecommunications, energy, and basic public infrastructure; business and workforce development; health care, nutrition and food security, and other public services; resource conservation; tourism; recreation; and open space preservation consistent with economic development.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Non-infrastructure up to $500,000; Infrastructure up to $1 million or up to $3 million for certain construction projects

Match:  Varies based on project service area level of distress

Application Closing Date:  09/06/24 Pre-Application (Required); 10/18/24 Application (By invitation only)

Apply Via:  Email



  • Priority is given to 1) projects that demonstrate direct benefits to rural communities with populations of less than 5,000 and disadvantaged communities; 2) projects that address municipal needs across eligible categories; and 3) projects that adapt to changing climate conditions and extreme weather events.
  • This grant has unique requirements after an award is made, but before a Notice to Proceed is issued. Applicants are advised to read the program guidance and manual closely. Ex. All match/cost share must be committed by September 30 of the year following the award year.

Funding Entity:  Northern Borders Regional Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports a broad range of forest-based economy initiatives such as public infrastructure projects that directly support the forest industry; community development projects that support the diversified use of forest for economic activity; workforce training and development projects for the purpose of building the skills and recruiting and retaining the workforce needed for forest businesses; and marketing, communication and education projects that are paired with previously mentioned projects.  

Funding Tool:  Grant

Application Closing Date:  09/06/24 Pre-application (Required); 10/18/24 Application (By invitation only)

Min/Max Funding:   Up to $1 million or no more than 80% of the total project costs can be from federal funds (including NRPC), whichever is less.

Match:  20% Distressed Counties; 50% Transitional Counties

Apply Via:  Online application system


Notes:  This grant has unique requirements after an award is made, but before a Notice to Proceed is issued. Applicants are advised to read the program guidance and manual closely. Ex. All match/cost share must be committed by September 30 of the year following the award year.

Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services

Eligible Activities: Capital costs associated with major maintenance, renovation, or planning related to a facility-based project reasonably expected to create or retain jobs in Vermont communities.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $25,000

Match:  $1 match for every $1 of grant funds awarded

Application Closing Date: 09/10/24

Apply Via: Online application submitted via email or mail



  • This grant provides last-gap funding to complete a shovel-ready project or a project that has already begun construction. 
  • All required permits must be in hand before submitting the application.
  • Documentation that match is in-hand, not pledged, must be included with the application. Ex. bank statement, successful bond vote, municipal budget line item, etc.
  • Business plans are not required, but applicants that submit a business plan with their grant application will be given preference.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Association of Conservation Districts

Eligible Activities:  Installation of new dry hydrants and other types of rural water supplies (priority), repair/upgrade, replacement, relocation of existing rural water supplies (whether previously grant funded or not), and development of drafting sites (access, stepping stones for portables, etc.)

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  up to $10,000; maximum grant could be up to $20,000 if the project meets other criteria

Match:  25% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  April 1, June 1 and August 1, 2024

Apply Via:  Online application sent via email


Note:  The installation of NEW dry hydrants & other types of rural water supplies is still the priority of the program, but eligible projects also include repair/upgrade, replacement, relocation of existing rural water supplies (whether previously grant funded or not) and drafting site development (access, stepping stones for portables, etc.)

Funding Entity: US Department of Energy

Eligible Activities: Develop and implement an energy efficiency and conservation strategy, which can include:

  • retaining consultant services,
  • conducting building energy audits,
  • establishing financial incentive programs for efficiency improvements,
  • providing grants to eligible organizations for efficiency retrofits,
  • developing and implementing energy efficiency and conservation programs for the applicant's own buildings and facilities, programs to conserve energy used in transportation, and/or building codes and inspection services related to building efficiency,
  • applying and implementing energy distribution technologies that increase efficiency,
  • conducting activities to increase participate and efficiency rates for material conservation programs,
  • purchasing and implementing technologies to reduce, capture, and use generated greenhouse gases,
  • replacing traffic signals and street lighting with efficient technologies,
  • developing, implementing and installing renewable energy generations projects for the applicant's own buildings,
  • developing and implementing programs for financing energy efficiency, renewable energy, and zero-emission transportation, transportation infrastructure, capital investments, projects, and programs, and
  • conducting other appropriate activities as determined by the Secretary of Energy.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Allocated by formula with $75,000 minimum; Vermont range is $75,340 to $77,100

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Applications for Grants and Vouchers accepted on a rolling basis through 04/30/24   10/31/24

Apply Via: PAGE for grants and the EECBG Program Voucher Portal for vouchers


Note:  Formula grants are limited to the 10 most populous municipalities and counties in each state. For Vermont, the municipalities are the Cities of Burlington, Rutland, and South Burlington, and the Towns of Bennington, Brattleboro, Colchester, Essex, Hartford, Milton, and Williston.

Funding Entity: US Department of Energy

Eligible Activities: Provides access to short-term technical assistance. This program matches a participating community with a relevant expert who will provide 40–60 hours of expert advice and technical services to communities on clean energy topics such as clean power, mobility, buildings, and the grid.

Funding Tool:  Technical Assistance

Min/Max Funding:  Grant of technical assistance services by the National Renewable Energy Lab, other national laboratories, and select organizations

Match:  None

Application Closing Date: Rolling

Apply Via: Online application


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Renewable energy generation

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Project must begin construction before 01/01/2025

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Zero emissions renewable energy generation

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  Maximum credit is determined by energy production

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Project must be placed in service after 12/31/2024

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms (under development)


Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development

Eligible Activities: Supports comprehensive turnkey services which includes technical assistance, a design for sighting of the chargers, completion of a full plan for installation, make-ready upgrades, charging hardware, and full installation of the chargers for Vermonters at locations such as workplaces, multiunit homes, and public areas.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Level 1 chargers up to $3,600 per site for design and make ready and up to $500 per OCPP compliant port. Level 2 chargers up to $20,000 per site for design and make ready, up to $3,000 per OCPP compliant port, and up to $2,000 per non-OCPP compliant port.

Match:  Varies by applicant from 0% to 10%.

Application Closing Date:  Incentives are issued on a first-come, first served basis to eligible applicants until 01/15/26 or until funds are fully expended, whichever comes first.

Apply Via:  Online pre-application form



  • This statewide program is administered by Green Mountain Power.
  • Pre-approved electrical contractors and local electric utilities will also offer technical assistance to help applicants who may have limited experience with EV charging.
  • To ensure fair distribution, there will be caps on the total incentives issued per applicant, per site, and per county.
  • Incentive can be combined with federal, state, and utility incentives with project cost limits reflective of match required.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA)

Eligible Activities:  Construction or reconstruction of highways, roads, bridges, and pedestrian facilities, certain facilities related to rail or public transit, and electric vehicle charging stations and natural gas refueling stations available for public use

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  Based on borrower’s ability to carry debt

Match:  10% to 20% equity contribution

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Storage or dispensing of a clean-burning fuel into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle propelled by such fuel if the storage or dispensing of the fuel is at the point where such fuel is delivered into the fuel tank of the motor vehicle, or the recharging of motor vehicles propelled by electricity. Clean-burning fuels include natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, electricity, and any other fuel at least 85 percent of which is methanol, ethanol, any other alcohol, and/or ether. Property must be located in a low-income census tract as defined under IRC § 40D9(e) or a non-urban census tract.

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  $100,000 per item of property

Match:  N/A

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Project must be placed in service between 2023 - 2032.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Purchase of a qualified motor vehicle or mobile machinery as defined in IRC 4053(8) (including vehicles that are not designed to perform a function of transporting a load over a public highway)

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $7,500 and up to $40,000 depending on gross vehicle weight

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Vehicle must be placed in service between 2023 - 2032.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Zero emissions solar energy property, geothermal property, fiber-optic solar property, fuel cell property, microturbine property, small wind property, offshore wind property, combined heat and power property, waste energy recovery property, energy storage technology, biogas property, microgrid controllers, dynamic glass, linear generators, microturbine projects, and geothermal heat pump projects.

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  Maximum credit is determined by eligible energy investment

Match:  No

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Construction begin and end dates vary by technology.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms (under development)


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities:  New or retrofit buildings that increase their energy efficiency by at least 25 percent will be able to claim this deduction, with bonuses for higher efficiency improvements.

Funding Tool:  Transfer of tax credit to qualified project designer

Min/Max Funding:  Maximum credit is determined by IRS annually

Match:  No

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Project must be placed in service after 12/31/2022. Credit expires 12/31/31.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms 


Funding Entity:  Vermont Agency of Transportation

Eligible Activities:  Provides a rebate for the purchase or lease of any of the following: battery all-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, electric bicycles and electric cargo bicycles, adaptive electric cycles, electric motorcycles, and electric snowmobiles. Base Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) limits apply. Fleet owners are eligible for up to 20 incentives over the life of the program.

Funding Tool:  Rebate

Min/Max Funding:  Up to 25% of a vehicle's purchase price (maximum $2,500)

Match:  Up to 75% of a vehicle’s purchase price

Application Closing Date:  First come, first served through 06/30/25

Apply Via:  Online form



  • Grantee shall order approved vehicle(s) within 30 days of an executed grant agreement with VTrans and shall enter into a lease or purchase agreement for said vehicle(s) within 90 days of an order. Exceptions (e.g., due to supply chain delays) may be granted after submitting a written request to the Agency for permission to extend the allowable timeframe.
  • Applicants are encouraged to pursue related federal tax credits and local utility rebates.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Public Service

Eligible Activities: Supports enhancing energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuel emissions, particularly in the transportation and building sectors. Choose one or more of the following activities:

  • Strategy Development and Implementation, including energy committee support
  • Retaining Technical Consulting Services to develop goals, strategies, progress measures, annual reports, and other services. Does not include equipment purchases/installation or weatherization work.
  • Residential and Commercial Building Audits. See “building” definition on page 5 of the RFP.
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs for Buildings and Facilities, including designing and operating programs, public education, measures/verification protocols, and technology identification. Does not include equipment purchases/installation or weatherization work.
  • Conservation of Transportation Energy, including but not limited to employer flex time use; satellite work centers; energy efficient zoning/siting guidelines, bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure planning; traffic signal synchronization, municipal fleet conversions, or other energy conservation measures.
  • Building Code and Inspection Services. Development, adoption, and/or implementation of building codes, inspection services or trainings/workshops to promote building energy efficiency.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $50,000 to 100,000

Match:  Encouraged, but not required.

Application Closing Date:  08/09/24

Apply Via:  Word template send via email or hard copy



  • Prospective applicants are advised to make note of all grant requirements as they read the RFP and to budget for the requirements. Ex. Costs must be tracked by multiple categories (administrative plus each eligible activity for which funds are awarded (see above), tracking specific metrics is required, etc.
  • Projects that trigger Davis Bacon Act or Build America Buy America Act requirements, or extensive National Environmental Protection Act reporting are strongly discouraged (and may not be accepted).
  • Priority will be given to communities experiencing high energy burdens and those that meet the criteria for Disadvantaged Communities established by the Biden Administration’s Justice40 initiative. See 15-16 of the RFP for tools.
  • The following municipalities are ineligible for this grant because they received EECBG funding that the Department of Energy provided to the 10 most populous municipalities in each state: Town of Bennington, Town of Brattleboro, City of Burlington, Town of Colchester, Town of Essex, Town of Hartford, Town of Milton, City of Rutland, City of South Burlington, and Town of Williston.

Funding Entity:  US Economic Development Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works (infrastructure, facilities and buildings, brownfields) and Economic Adjustment Assistance (CEDS development and implementation) programs

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  ~$600,000 to $5 million; average award has been $1.4 million

Match:  20% to 50% based on the region’s 24-month unemployment rate and/or per capita income

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds have been expended

Apply Via:  EDGE (EDA's grant portal)


Funding Entity:  US Economic Development Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports disaster recovery activities including economic recovery strategic planning grants, public works construction projects including broadband and resiliency projects, workforce development, capitalization of revolving loan funds, and economic development projects that enhance density in the vicinity of other economic development

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimums or maximums are listed

Match:  20% 0f eligible costs, but factors such as project scale, extent of disaster impact, total project cost, relative community distress, and geographic distribution of funds can lower the match rate

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds have been expended

Apply Via:  EDGE


Note:  Supports recovery in areas where a Presidential disaster declaration was issued in calendar years 2021 and 2022

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings. Examples of essential community facilities include: health care facilities; public facilities; community support services; public safety services; educational services such as museums, libraries or private schools; utility services such as telemedicine or distance learning equipment; and local food systems.

Funding Tool:  Grant, loan, and loan guarantee

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum noted

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email



Funding Entity:  Vermont Bond Agency (a.k.a. Vermont Bond Bank)

Eligible Activities:  Finances long-term capital projects undertaken by municipalities, school districts, and other districts. Common uses include facility renovation and construction, road and highway improvements, sidewalks and streetscapes, energy efficiency upgrades, equipment purchases, water, sewer, and stormwater, and refinancing FEMA or USDA debt.

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  Up to 100% financing of project costs based on overall debt capacity of the borrower

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; Loans are made in the winter and summer following the receipt of an application and approval by the Bond Bank’s Board. Applications generally are due two months prior to the loan closing dates of ~February 28 and July 31 annually.

Apply Via:  Online form



  • Loans are primarily funded through the issuance of highly rated tax-exempt bonds by the Bond Bank.
  • Requires evidence of voter approval and authority and a legal opinion from local bond counsel. List of approved legal counsels in available on the program webpage.
  • Green energy and energy efficiency lending program anticipated to be available by late 2023. Solar installations, storage, and related expenses will likely be eligible.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development

Eligible Activities:  Provides one-on-one project coaching, local fundraising support, and two to one (2:1) matching grants for community-led placemaking projects.  Placemaking means creating places by transforming public spaces to strengthen the connections between people and these places. Placemaking relies strongly on community participation.

Funding Tool:  Crowdgranting combines crowdfunding, the practice of funding a project with small contributions from many people, paired with a matching grant from the State)

Min/Max Funding:  $5,000 to $40,000 State matching grant ($2,500 to $20,000 must be raised through the online platform); programming, events, performances, temporary improvements, and demonstration projects are limited to a maximum grant of $10,000 ($5,000 raised through platform)

Match:  Participants set a project fundraising goal and raise 33% of their goal through the web-based online platform. This 33% is the “match”. After the initial goal is reached, the State provides a matching grant of 67%.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Online form



Funding Entity:  Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Eligible Activities:  Supports pre-development costs and feasibility analysis for housing and conservation projects. Eligible activities include appraisals, financial planning/evaluation, site design and land use planning, specialized studies approved by VHCB, percolation and other septic suitability tests, environmental analysis, water quality tests, market studies, options or purchase and sales contracts, and energy analysis.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $10,000 for a single project; up to $15,000 for scattered housing site projects; up to $50,000 for high complexity or uncertainty projects

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Reviewed as received

Apply Via:  Email



  • Grant funds are for compensated contracted services, not the applicants staff time.
  • Some degree of site control is required at the time of application.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports creation of a new neighborhood development of infill development within an existing, developed neighborhood. Eligible activities include municipal planning; project scoping; preliminary financial feasibility analysis; permit, legal, and consultant fees; site control; land surveying; site assessment; architectural fees; engineering fees; preparation of construction plans and specifications and community engagement.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $100,000 to $500,000

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling until funds are exhausted; applications reviewed quarterly on the first day of September, December, March, and May.

Apply Via:  Email


Note:  Partnerships are strongly encouraged.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports planning and implementation of housing, economic development, public facilities, public services, and accessibility modifications. Project must primarily benefit persons of low and moderate income.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding: 

  • Accessibility Modification: $5,000 to $100,000
  • Planning: $3,000 to $60,000
  • Implementation: $50,000 to $1 million
  • Scattered Site: $50,000 to $1 million

Match:  Varies by program and project type

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; application submission is September, February, and April annually

Apply Via:  GEARS


Note:  It is very helpful to contact the program staff for your region prior to initiating an application.

Funding Entity:  AmeriCorps (the federal agency for national service and volunteerism)

Eligible Activities:  Provides a team of 8-12 AmeriCorps NCCC members to meet critical community needs in the areas of natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, energy conservation, and urban and rural development. Examples of service activities include, but are not limited to, preparing for, mitigating of, responding to, and recovering from the effects of natural disasters; constructing and rehabilitating low-income housing; building and repairing trails; planting trees; removing invasive plant species; leading and managing community volunteers; installing energy efficient modifications to homes and public facilities; and addressing other local needs.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Not applicable. This is a grant of service.

Match:  Not mentioned in program materials

Application Closing Date:  Applications accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis through 12/31/23

Apply Via: Email



  • Sponsoring organization is required to provide lodging for the team, and where applicable, is responsible for any fees associated with the lodging space. Specific accommodation requirements are outlined in the application instructions. Camping is permissible.
  • Length of team service usually is 3 to 13 weeks of at least 40 hours of service activities each week.

Funding Entity:  T-Mobile

Eligible Activities:  Supports shovel-ready projects that foster local connections, like technology upgrades, outdoor spaces, the arts, and community centers. Only physical builds or improvements are eligible.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $50,000

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31

Apply Via:  Online portal


Note:  Applicants are notified within 60 days after the quarter close, and work must be completed and all funds used within 12 months of award.

Funding Entity:  AmeriCorps

Eligible Activities:  You define services projects that the AmeriCorps team can complete to respond to local needs. The team of 18-26 year-olds and typically serve in one area for 3 to 13 weeks and serve for 40 hours per week. A sponsor may receive assistance for up to 60 weeks, contingent upson application approval.

Min/Max Funding:  None. This is a grant of assistance.

Match:  Sponsors provide adequate indoor or outdoor lodging with showers and cooking facilities for an 8-12 member team with separate female and male sleeping facilities.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via: Online application


Funding Entity:  AmeriCorps

Eligible Activities:  Entities serving as site hosts define services projects that an AmeriCorps volunteer can complete. Depending on the service project type, prospective site hosts can connect with one or more of the following AmeriCorps VISTA State organizations:

  • Environmental Careers and Opportunities AmeriCorps – Implement strategies to protect and improve water quality in the Lake Champlain watershed, and to prevent recyclable and compostable materials from entering our landfills throughout Vermont.
  • Vermont Housing and Conservation Board AmeriCorpsProvide housing placement and independent-living services, connect individuals and families with services to improve food access, and steward the natural environment to improve the ecosystem and increase access throughout Vermont.
  • Vermont Youth Conservation Corps AmeriCorpsComplete projects in conservation and agriculture, increasing food access, developing recreational resources, and improving and protecting natural resources throughout Vermont.
  • SerVermont – End poverty in Vermont by building capacity in organizations that address homelessness, provide job training, fight hunger, provide nutrition education, and address the opioid epidemic. Projects can relate to housing, employment/workforce development, federal benefit access, obesity and food resources, access to health care, energy efficiency, environmental awareness and stewardship, education, and veteran and military families.
  • Lyndon Economic Opportunity AmeriCorps ProgramDeliver a variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) educational programming to youth from PreK through 12th grade to improve childhood literacy, farm-to-school education, outdoor and natural sciences education, college preparation, and more at Lyndon State College area nonprofit organizations.

Min/Max Funding:  None. This is a grant of assistance.

Match:  Varies by State sponsor. In addition to a non-Federal cash match, site hosts must be able to direct the project, supervise the VISTA member, and provide necessary administrative support.

Application Closing Date:  Each program has its own application closing date.

Apply Via: Email

Links:  To learn about becoming a host site, visit the organization whose service area matches your project:

Note:  Volunteers typically serve at a host site for one year. 

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Pre-qualifies projects carried out in a rural area as SECD priorities. Projects must promote and implement strategic community investment plans. 

Funding Tool:  Grant, loan or loan guarantee

Min/Max Funding:  This program does not provide funding. It pre-qualifies a project as a priority project for other USDA programs.

Match:  Match is based on the specific USDA program that an applicant will access.

Application Closing Date:  Each USDA program has a different deadline for receipt of application. Awards for SECD application will be obligated by 06/30 annually.

Apply Via:USDA Rural Development Vermont/New Hampshire Office, except for Water and Waste Loans and Grants Program which are submitted electronically at



  • The SECD program reserves a certain percentage of funds from existing USDA programs specifically for projects with regional or state-level benefits. Designation of your project by SECD prioritizes it for those funds. A separate application for a USDA funding program, such as Community Facilities, must be submitted to that program. It does not need to be submitted at the same time as the SECD application.
  • Qualified investment plans must be multijurisdictional and multisectoral. In Vermont, examples of investment plans that might qualify include a multi-municipal plan, regional plans (RPC, RDC, CUD, Community Action, CEDS, etc.), a state-level plan (CEDS, HUD Consolidated Plan, Climate Action, Forest Future Roadmap, Long-Range Transportation Plan, Agriculture and Food System Strategic Plan, Hazard Mitigation Plan, etc.), or a multi-state plan. Projects do not need to be listed by name in the applicable plan.
  • SECD priority may be given to applications submitted through the following USDA programs: Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program, Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program, Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program, Water and Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees, and Rural Business Development Grants.
  • The definition of “rural area” varies among USDA’s programs. Consult guidance for the program your project from which your project would receive funding.
  • A letter from the entity that developed the plan your project will reference is required. The letter must state that your project is consistent with the plan and that the plan has been adopted.

Funding Entity:  The Windham Foundation

Eligible Activities:  Supports educational programs, local food initiatives, land conservation for public use, environmental protection, social services, cultural resources, and historic preservation. Does not fund sporting activities/events, playgrounds, day care facilities, skate parks, or emergency relief efforts.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Awards typically are $2,500 to $5,000 and rarely exceed $10,000

Match:  50% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  Four cycles per year. For 2024, the remaining cycle is 09/23/24.

Apply Via:  Online application


Note:  Municipalities can submit one application in a 12-month period and should apply for no more than three consecutive years.

Funding Entity: US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Eligible Activities: Direct loans and grants to fund projects that improve energy or water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality or sustainability, implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission building materials or processes, energy storage, or building electrification strategies, or address climate resilience, of eligible HUD-assisted multifamily properties.  

Funding Tool:  Loans and Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Elements Awards Up to $750,000 per property or $40,000 per unit; Leading Edge Awards Up to $10 million per property or $60,000 per unit; Comprehensive Awards Up to $20 million per property or $80,000 per unit

Match:  Varies by program

Application Closing Date: Accepted quarterly, June and September 2023 and January and March 2024

Apply Via:


Note:  Eligible owners primarily include owners receiving HUD rental assistance under Multifamily Section 8 project-based rental assistance, Section 202 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Elderly, and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Persons with Disabilities.

Funding Entity:  VLCT Property And Casualty Intermunicipal Fund (PACIF)

Eligible Activities:  Certain equipment, facility improvements, and related items that have the primary benefit of reducing the potential for workers’ compensation, property, auto, or liability insurance claims. A sample list of eligible and ineligible equipment and services is included in the PACIF Grant Rules.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $300 to $5,000; maximum award amount is based on the member’s PACIF contribution


  • 50% match if a) all high level PACIF Loss Control recommendations addressed and b) at least 50%  of recommendations addressed from Loss Control visits that occurred between January 1, 2022 and the date an application is received.
  • 60% match if less than 50% Loss Control recommendation completed.

Application Closing Date: Rolling from January 1 through October 31 or when funds have been fully committed.

Apply Via:  Online form submitted via email



  • Members that have outstanding high priority PACIF Loss Control recommendations are ineligible for this grant until all high priority items have been completed or unless the application will correct the open recommendation.
  • Only one application per municipality is allowed per calendar year.
  • Members may not have more than one application open at any one time.
  • Contact the PACIF Loss Control team or your consultant for feedback on the eligibility of your request prior to submission.

Funding Entity:  VLCT Property And Casualty Intermunicipal Fund (PACIF)

Eligible Activities:  Host or send employees to safety workshops, risk management seminars, and other training programs related to public entity risk management and/or safety. Eligible expenses include registration, textbooks and study materials, travel by bus or airplane, and lodging.

Can be used for individual attendees or for group training. Group training typically is an onsite structured training using onsite or online training.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Individual $100 to $500. Group up to $2,500. Cumulatively, a municipality is eligible for up to $2,500 annually whether through multiple scholarships for individuals or a single group training.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date: Rolling from January 1 through October 31 or when funds have been fully committed.

Apply Via:  Online form submitted via email



  • Must be PACIF member.
  • Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the intended training.
  • Municipalities may collaborate and submit dual group applications to pool their scholarships to cover more expensive group trainings, such as The Game of Logging or law enforcement training.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Natural Resources Council

Eligible Activities:  Provides seed money for catalyzing community-based initiatives related to smart growth. Project might address activities such as advocacy for better land use, advancing transportation choices, supporting housing choice and affordability, promoting downtown or village center revitalization, conservation and natural resources, and public outreach and engagement.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $1,500

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date: Rolling

Apply Via:  Online application form submitted via email


Note:  This grant cannot be used as match to other grants.

Funding Entity:  Grassroots Fund

Eligible Activities: 

Seed Grants:  Provides seed money to grassroots organizers to launch new projects or start to significantly change the direction of an existing project. A key focus is Environmental Justice.

Grow Grants:  Supports groups to deepen their work by further developing a community vision, lowering barriers to participation, identifying new stakeholders and working to bring more voices and lived experiences into core decision-making processes.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Seed Grants: $500 to $1,000. Grow Grants: $1,000 to $4,000.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Seed Grants: Rolling. Grow Grants: 3rd Tuesday in March and September.

Apply Via:  Online form


Note:  Generally, for Seed Grants a “new” project should be active less than two years. Grow Grants prioritize support for community groups who represent a broad range of voices in their community and who are not being reached by other funders.

Funding Entity:  Community Heart & Soul

Eligible Activities:  Provides start-up funding for resident-driven groups looking to implement the Community Heart & Soul model in communities with populations under 30,000. The model is a process that engages the entire population of a community in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it, and how to achieve it. Eligible uses of funds include coaching, project coordination, and project-related expenses.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $10,000

Match:  $10,000

Application Closing Date:  Rolling; applications are reviewed monthly

Apply Via:  Online application


Note:  Applications involving more than one municipality are eligible.

Funding Entity:  National Association of Realtors

Eligible Activities:  Supports advancement of programs, policies and initiatives aligned with one or more of the 10 Smart Growth Principles.

  • Level 1 supports efforts to educate REALTORS® and community stakeholders about smart growth topics. Activities may include a class or forum, a speaker(s) who can address specific smart growth issues, or a meeting with stakeholders to develop coalition efforts.
  • Level 2 supports activities to engage in local land-use, growth and transportation issues with other stakeholders and elected officials which will have an impact on policies. These activities could include community planning and input sessions, development of comprehensive plans and zoning policies, studies, research, and reports.
  • Level 3 supports comprehensive initiatives leading to long-term impact in a community with significant REALTOR® and public and private stakeholder involvement.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Level 1 up to $3,000; Level 2 up to $7,500; and Level 3 up to $15,000

Match:  In 2024, the 10% financial commitment requirement is waived.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling through 10/15/24 or until funds are committed, whichever comes first.

Apply Via:  Online portal


Note:  Applications can only be submitted by a state or local REALTOR® association so work with your local association. Up to four associations can apply for funding for the same activity.

Funding Entity:  National Association of Realtors

Eligible Activities:  Funds state and local REALTOR® association-led projects that create new, outdoor public spaces and destinations in a community on unused or underused sites. 

  • Level 1 funds outdoor demonstration and temporary projects to test a project’s viability or inspire permanent projects that increase community livability and downtown revitalization.
  • Level 2 funds the creation of new outdoor public spaces and destinations in a community accessible to everyone and open at all, or most, times such as trails and trailheads, playgrounds, pocket parks, parklets, pedestrian plazas, community gardens, public gardens, dog parks, downtown gathering spots and alley activations. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Level 1 up to $3,000; Level 2 up to $7,500

Match:  In 2024, the 10% financial commitment requirement is waived.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling through 10/15/24 or until funds are committed, whichever comes first.

Apply Via:  Applications can only be submitted by a state or local REALTOR® association so work with your local association.


Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services

Eligible Activities: Capital costs associated with major maintenance, renovation, or development of a facility-based project that:

  • provides, or coordinates as part of their overall program, educational programs and/or educational opportunities to youth or adult learners; or
  • provides, coordinates, or organizes human services and/or health care for youth and adults.

Example human services projects include, but are not limited to, structural improvements, energy efficiency improvements, security improvements, backup generator, recreational equipment and facilities, mobile clinics, and accessibility improvements. Example educational projects include, but are not limited to, structural improvements, energy efficiency improvements, code improvements, security improvements, accessibility improvements, equipment, and bringing three phase power to a building.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $25,000

Match:  $1 of match for every $1 of grant funds received

Application Closing Date: 09/10/24

Apply Via: Online application submitted via email or mail



  • This grant provides last-gap funding to complete a shovel-ready project or a project that has already begun construction. 
  • All required permits must be in hand before submitting the application.
  • Documentation that match is in-hand, not pledged, must be included with the application. Ex. bank statement, successful bond vote, municipal budget line item, etc.
  • Educational grants have been awarded to projects such as meetinghouses, family centers, libraries, and childcare centers.
  • Human services grants have been awarded to projects such as senior centers, equipment for health initiatives, facility ADA compliance, and vehicles.

Funding Entity:  University of Vermont Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships

Eligible Activities: Supports engaged partnerships between organizations and the University of Vermont in these focus areas: regenerative agriculture, community schools, transit and housing solutions, remote and co-working practices, resilient energy systems, healthy ecosystems, access to health care in rural areas, and policy and governance. 

  • Capacity Grants catalyze partnership and project development. This is the entry track for organizations who have a vision for positive rural impact but need support to develop a relationship with University of Vermont partners.
  • Partnership Grants fund research projects, stakeholder engagement initiatives, student internships and service-learning experiences, and business plan development for early-stage start-ups and non-profit businesses working to address rural challenges.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Capacity Grants: up to $10,000. Seed Grants: up to $250,000.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Letter of Intent 09/13/24. Proposals (by invitation only) 11/15/24.

Apply Via:  InfoReady (UVM’s grant platform)

Link:  https://www/ 

Funding Entity:  Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Eligible Activities:  Supports purchase and conservation of recreational lands for outdoor recreation. Funds also are available for predevelopment costs and analysis for an individual project, such as appraisal services, engineering and environmental studies, options, energy assessments, and marketing analysis.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  None specified

Match:  Not specified

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email for application


Funding Entity:  MVP Health Care

Eligible Activities: Outdoor Fitness Courts®

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Cost of the Fitness Court

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, with priority given to communities that apply within the first 60 days. Funding is available on a first come, first served basis.

Apply Via:  Online application to pre-qualify



  • The Fitness Court® is an outdoor gym. MVP will fund 15 courts in Vermont for 2024.
  • The courts are being designed as kinetic art pieces. Recipients may work with a local artist to customize the court. 

Funding Entity:  The Skatepark Project (formerly the Tony Hawk Foundation)

Eligible Activities:  Supports NEW public concrete skatepark projects, including skatepark construction, skate spot construction (turn-key grants available), skateable art sculptures, permission DIY skatepark construction, active city space conversion (legalizing skateboarding in shared spaces), and accessibility improvements/repairs.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $1,000 to $300,000 with average awards of $10,000

Match:  Some fundraising must be conducted prior to applying

Application Closing Date:  Letter of inquiry accepted on a rolling basis. Application submission is by invitation only.

Apply Via:  Online portal



  • Technical assistance is available on design and construction, promotional materials, and other information.
  • Focus is underserved communities – defined as communities marginalized by poverty, geography, or racial, gender and other forms of social inequality or discrimination.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

Eligible Activities:  Provides funding to marinas for constructing, renovating, and maintaining tie-up facilities for transient boaters with vessels 26 feet or greater in length. Eligible projects include mooring buoys, day-docks, navigational aids (channel markers, buoys, directional information), transient slips (slips that boaters with nontrailerable recreational vessels occupy for no more than 10 consecutive days), safe harbors for transients, floating docks and fixed piers, floating breakwaters, dinghy docks, restrooms, bulkheads, dockside utilities, pumpout stations, and dockside electric service and water supplies.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Tier 1 up to $100,000; Tier 2 up to $1 million

Match:  25% of total project costs

Application Closing Date:  August 15 annually

Apply Via:  All applicants must call the Department at (802) 828-1000 prior to starting an application


Notes: Facilities must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Water depth at the facility must be at least 6 feet deep at low water.
  • Be open to the public.
  • Able to accommodate boats 26 feet in length or greater.
  • Within two miles of a public pumpout facility.
  • Located on navigable waters.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

Eligible Activities:  Provides funding to marinas for construction, renovation, operation or maintenance costs of their pumpout stations for recreational boaters. Eligible projects include:

  • construction, renovation, operation, or maintenance of pumpout stations, pumpout boats, and dump stations used by boaters, and 
  • projects that hold and transport boater sewage to sewage treatment plants, such as holding tanks, piping, or hauling and disposal fees.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Tier 1 up to $100,000; Tier 2 up to $1 million

Match:  25% of total project costs

Application Closing Date:  August 15 annually

Apply Via:  All applicants must call the Department at (802) 828-1000 prior to starting an application to ensure project eligibility and obtain the most up-to-date information on funding and the application process.


Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services

Eligible Activities: Capital costs associated with development and creation of a facility-based project that provides, coordinates, or organizes recreational programs for youth and/or adults within a community area.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $25,000

Match:  $1 for every $1 of grant funds awarded 

Application Closing Date: 09/10/24

Apply Via: Online application submitted via email or mail



  • This grant provides last-gap funding to complete a shovel-ready project or a project that has already begun construction. 
  • All required permits must be in hand before submitting the application.
  • Documentation that match is in-hand, not pledged, must be included with the application. Ex. bank statement, successful bond vote, municipal budget line item, etc.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA)

Eligible Activities:  Construction or reconstruction of highways, roads, bridges, and pedestrian facilities, certain facilities related to rail or public transit, and electric vehicle charging stations and natural gas refueling stations available for public use

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  Based on borrower’s ability to carry debt

Match:  10% to 20% equity contribution

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development

Eligible Activities: Supports comprehensive turnkey services which includes technical assistance, a design for sighting of the chargers, completion of a full plan for installation, make-ready upgrades, charging hardware, and full installation of the chargers for Vermonters at locations such as workplaces, multiunit homes, and public areas.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Level 1 chargers up to $3,600 per site for design and make ready and up to $500 per OCPP compliant port. Level 2 chargers up to $20,000 per site for design and make ready, up to $3,000 per OCPP compliant port, and up to $2,000 per non-OCPP compliant port.

Match:  Varies by applicant from 0% to 10%.

Application Closing Date:  Incentives are issued on a first-come, first served basis to eligible applicants until 01/15/26 or until funds are fully expended, whichever comes first.

Apply Via:  Online pre-application form



  • This statewide program is administered by Green Mountain Power.
  • Pre-approved electrical contractors and local electric utilities will also offer technical assistance to help applicants who may have limited experience with EV charging.
  • To ensure fair distribution, there will be caps on the total incentives issued per applicant, per site, and per county.
  • Incentive can be combined with federal, state, and utility incentives with project cost limits reflective of match required.

Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Storage or dispensing of a clean-burning fuel into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle propelled by such fuel if the storage or dispensing of the fuel is at the point where such fuel is delivered into the fuel tank of the motor vehicle, or the recharging of motor vehicles propelled by electricity. Clean-burning fuels include natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, electricity, and any other fuel at least 85 percent of which is methanol, ethanol, any other alcohol, and/or ether. Property must be located in a low-income census tract as defined under IRC § 40D9(e) or a non-urban census tract.

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  $100,000 per item of property

Match:  N/A

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Project must be placed in service between 2023 - 2032.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms


Funding Entity: State Infrastructure Bank via Vermont Economic Development Authority

Eligible Activities:  Electric vehicle charging stations and natural gas refueling stations available for public use

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $100,000

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  Email


Funding Entity: US Treasury Department

Eligible Activities: Purchase of a qualified motor vehicle or mobile machinery as defined in IRC 4053(8) (including vehicles that are not designed to perform a function of transporting a load over a public highway)

Funding Tool:  Direct pay tax credit (tax refund)

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $7,500 and up to $40,000 depending on gross vehicle weight

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Annually at close of calendar year. Vehicle must be placed in service between 2023 - 2032.

Apply Via:  Internal Revenue Service forms


Funding Entity:  Vermont Agency of Transportation

Eligible Activities:  Provides a rebate for the purchase or lease of any of the following: battery all-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, electric bicycles and electric cargo bicycles, adaptive electric cycles, electric motorcycles, and electric snowmobiles. Base Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) limits apply. Fleet owners are eligible for up to 20 incentives over the life of the program.

Funding Tool:  Rebate

Min/Max Funding:  Up to 25% of a vehicles purchase price (maximum $2,500)

Match:  Up to 75% of a vehicle’s purchase price

Application Closing Date:  First come, first served through 06/30/25

Apply Via:  Online form



  • Grantee shall order approved vehicle(s) within 30 days of an executed grant agreement with VTrans and shall enter into a lease or purchase agreement for said vehicle(s) within 90 days of an order. Exceptions (e.g., due to supply chain delays) may be granted after submitting a written request to the Agency for permission to extend the allowable timeframe.
  • Applicants are encouraged to pursue related federal tax credits and local utility rebates.

Funding Entity:  Federal Highway Administration

Eligible Activities:  Supports projects to improve bridge and culvert condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Project must be included on the National Bridge Inventory. There are two categories of projects. Bridge Project grants replace, rehabilitate, preserve, or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory for projects with total eligible costs not greater than $100 million. This includes bridge bundling and culverts. Eligible costs include development phase activities, construction, and protection of a bridge, including scour protection. Planning grants support planning, feasibility analyses, and revenue forecasting associated with the development of a project that would subsequently be eligible to apply for assistance under the Bridge Investment Program. 

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $20 million for planning. $2.5 million to $80 million bridge projects

Match:  20% of total eligible project costs; planning grants may have a different match per 23 U.S.C. 120.

Application Closing Date:  Rolling. Submission encouraged by 10/01/24 and 10/01/25 for planning projects. Submission encouraged by 11/01/24 and 11/01/25 for bridge projects.

Apply Via:



  • Projects must use FHWAs Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool.
  • At least one eligible large bridge project or two eligible bridge (smaller) projects are expected to be awarded in each state. Vermont was not awarded a grant in 2022. Consultation with the Vermont Agency of Transportation and the Vermont office of the Federal Highway Administration is encouraged prior to applying.
  • DOT may award no more than 5 percent of funds made available for each fiscal year to eligible projects solely consisting of culvert replacement or rehabilitation.

For bridge construction projects, preliminary engineering must be complete and the project must reasonably expect to begin construction no later than 18 months after FHWA obligates funds for the project.

Funding Entity:  US Department of Transportation

Eligible Activities:  Provides planning or constructing surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. Eligible projects include certain highway or bridge projects, public transportation projects, and passenger and freight rail transportation projects; port infrastructure investments (including inland port infrastructure and land ports of entry); the surface transportation components of a certain airport projects; intermodal projects whose components are otherwise an eligible project type; projects to replace or rehabilitate a culvert or prevent stormwater runoff for the purpose of improving habitat for aquatic species while advancing the goals of the RAISE program; projects investing in surface transportation facilities that are located on Tribal land and for which title or maintenance responsibility is vested in the Federal Government; and any other surface transportation infrastructure project that the Secretary considers to be necessary to advance the goals of the program.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Up to $25 million for planning; $5 to $25 million for capital 

Match:  20% of eligible project costs unless the project is located in a rural area, a historically disadvantaged community, or an area of persistent poverty. Definitions for these terms and their eligible areas are available at

Application Closing Date:  Multiple fiscal years: 01/13/25 and 01/13/26 respectively.

Apply Via:


Notes:  Applicants must complete a Benefit-Cost Analysis. Applicants should review the Department’s detailed guidance on how to conduct this analysis.

Funding Entity:  Northern Borders Regional Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports the use of wood-based materials and composites (advanced wood materials) through applied research and demonstration projects that showcase the suitability of such materials to transportation and transportation adjacent infrastructure. Includes feasibility and implementation projects, such as 

  • state or regional inventory assessments of the suitability of wood components to address needed transportation infrastructure improvements and/or new construction.
  • architectural and engineering designs, cost analyses, and permitting necessary for implementation of transportation infrastructure projects.
  • transportation infrastructure projects which utilize commercialized wood products and advanced wood materials to address climate adaptive transportation improvements.
  • design and construction of pilot and demonstration projects that showcase the capabilities and benefits of utilizing advanced wood materials in transportation infrastructure; and transportation-adjacent structures that utilize advanced wood materials.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Feasibility Projects: $250,000 to $1 million; Implementation Projects: $1 million to $5 million

Match:  Varies based on service area level of distress

Application Closing Date:  Pre-Application (Required) 09/06/24; Application (By Invitation) 10/18/24

Apply Via:  NRBC Grants Management System



  • Priority is given to projects that commit to using domestically sourced timber, especially from the Northern Borders region.
  • Submission of a Project Interest Form is recommended in advance of submitting a Pre-Application.

Funding Entity:  US Department of Transportation

Eligible Activities: Supports planning, infrastructure, behavioral, and operational initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users. Eligible project types include development of a comprehensive safety action plan, supplemental planning to enhance an existing plan, demonstration activities to inform a plan, and planning, design, and development activities for projects and strategies in a plan.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  $100,000 to $10 million planning and demonstration, but smaller amounts will be considered

Match:  20% of eligible activity costs

Application Closing Date:  Planning and Demonstration Grants 08/29/24

Apply Via:  Valid Eval, USDOT’s online proposal system



  • Applicants can apply to develop a comprehensive safety action plan or to implement actions in their plan. To apply for an implementation grant, the applicant’s safety action plan must meet program requirements
  • If your municipality is considering an application, it can be helpful to contact Jacqui DeMent, Community Planner and Grants Manager, US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration - Vermont Division, at or 802-828-4573. While FHWA Division office staff cannot review grant applications, they can discuss process, eligibility, and the general scope of potential projects.

Funding Entity:  Federal Highway Administration 

Eligible Activities:  Supports non-construction and construction projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. Example projects include research on safety innovations and mitigation effectiveness; mapping tool development; planning studies to identify migration corridors and roadway barriers; public education and outreach on hazards; permitting and right-of-way acquisition to construct a wildlife crossing; adaptation or replacement of a culvert or bridge to accommodate connectivity; and preservation or restoration of habitat necessary to crossing effectiveness.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum but projects of $200,000 to $25 million are encouraged

Match:  20% of the total project cost

Application Closing Date:  Two application periods: 09/04/24 and 08/02/25

Apply Via:

Link: and search Funding Opportunity Number 693JJ324NF00023


  • 60% or more of available funds are expected to be awarded to rural areas.
  • Documentation demonstrating consultation with VTrans is required. Examples of documentation includes letters, agreements, and signed meeting minutes.
  • If your municipality is considering an application, it can be helpful to contact Jacqui DeMent, Community Planner and Grants Manager, US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration - Vermont Division, at or 802-828-4573. While FHWA Division office staff cannot review grant applications, they can discuss process, eligibility, and the general scope of potential projects.

Funding Entity:  Addison County Regional Planning Commission

Eligible Activities:  Supports consultant studies related to transportation or traffic-related problem. Example studies include, but are not limited to, sidewalk assessments and scoping studies, road slope stabilization alternatives, road improvement studies, stormwater management planning, stormwater management for salt and sand storage, intersection assessments, road realignment, traffic control options, bridge replacement, truck traffic reduction, rail platform siting, bicycle/multi-use path feasibility study or conceptual alignment analysis.

Funding Tool:  Grant of services

Min/Max Funding:  None specified

Match: None listed

Application Closing Date:  08/13/24

Apply Via:  Online form


Note:  Short presentation required at the Transportation Advisory Committee August meeting.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Agency of Transportation

Eligible Activities:  Complete a road erosion inventory on hydrologically connected road segments that currently do not meet standards in compliance with the Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP)

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  See grant materials for eligible amount funding limit per municipality

Match:  20% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  First come, first served until available funding has been exhausted or 12/31/24, whichever comes first

Apply via:  Letter of Intent


Note:  Must be compliant with the MRGP requirements at the time of award.

Funding Entity:  US Department of Transportation

Eligible Activities: Supports strategic deployment of publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling infrastructure, propane fueling infrastructure, and natural gas fueling infrastructure in certain locations or along designated AFCs that will be accessible to all drivers of EVs, hydrogen vehicles, propane vehicles, and natural gas vehicles. There are two funding categories: (1) Community Charging and Fueling Program Grants and (2) Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Community Grants $500,000 to $15 million. Corridor Grants $1 or higher (no maximum) 

Match:  20% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  08/28/24

Apply Via:



  • Community Grant projects a) must be located on any public road or in other publicly accessible locations, such as parking facilities at public buildings, public schools, and public parks, or in publicly accessible parking facilities owned or managed by a private entity, b) must be publicly accessible and accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, and c) must demonstrate benefits will flow to Justice40 communities.
  • Corridor Grant projects a) must be located along a designated AFC; EV charging and other alternative fuels within 5 miles of the AFC, b) must be publicly accessible and accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, c) must demonstrate benefits will flow to Justice40 communities, and d) must use funds to contract with a private entity.

Eligible Activities:  Supports innovative strategies and projects that improve both mobility and access to services for transit-dependent Vermonters, reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Three types of grants:

  • Small grants: planning new Travel Demand Management TDM) programs or resources, expanding first mile/last mil programs, and creating and marketing TDB resources.
  • Medium grants: marketing and outreach of TDM programs, expanding first mile/last mil programs, supporting employers and/or employees to adopt TDM measures, and planning for TDM programs (bike share, car share, microtransit, etc.)
  • Large grants: project implementation and capital purchases

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Small grants around $10,000. Medium grants around $50,000. Large grants of up to $250,000.

Match:  20% of total project cost

Application Closing Date:  09/16/24

Apply Via:  Online application


Note: Performance metrics are required. These funds can be used to match other TDM grant awards.

Funding Entity:  US Department of Transportation 

Eligible Activities:  Supports projects that advance community-centered connection transportation projects - with a priority for projects that benefit disadvantaged communities - by improving access to daily needs; fostering equitable development and restoration; and reconnecting communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development. Two grant types: Capital Construction and Community Planning.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Community Planning up to $2 million; Capital Construction $5 million to no maximum.

Match:  Community Planning 20% of the total project cost; Capital Construction 50% of the total project cost. For Capital Construction, other Federal funds may be used as local match with a maximum Federal contribution limit of 80% of total project cost.

Application Closing Date:  09/30/24

Apply Via:  Valid Eval (US DOT online proposal system)

Link: and search Funding Opportunity Numbers DOT-RCP-FY24-01.

Note:  If your municipality is considering an application, it can be helpful to contact Jacqui DeMent, Community Planner and Grants Manager, US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration - Vermont Division, at or 802-828-4573. While FHWA Division office staff cannot review grant applications, they can discuss process, eligibility, and the general scope of potential projects.

Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Eligible Activities: Planning, design, source protection, and construction of public water systems that improve public health protection and facilitate compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum noted except for Asset Management Planning Loans which have a $50,000 maximum

Match:  None

Application Closing Date: Closing Date for inclusion on the Vermont Intended Use Plan 01/16/24 (See Note below). Applications – July 2024

Apply Via: 


Note: Each year the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) publish Intended Use Plans (IUPs) that explain how funding provided by the Federal government will be used. The IUP lists projects that have requested funding in a year and sets the State’s project priorities. Projects must be on the priority list or be accepted as an “emergency” project and must meet readiness to proceed criteria to receive funding.  The Closing Date reflects the last date to submit projects for inclusion in the IUP for the upcoming funding cycle.

Funding Entity: State ARPA to the Vermont Department of Economic Development

Eligible Activities:  Water supply or wastewater infrastructure that will result in new or rehabilitated affordable housing (as defined in (24 V.S.A. § 4303), or the creation of a new business or the expansion of an existing business that meets or exceeds the prevailing wage for the region

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  20% of total eligible project cost up to $1 million maximum

Match:  80% of total project cost

Application Closing Date: When funds are fully expended

Apply Via: Online


Note:  These funds may be used as match for other federal grant programs, if accepted by those programs.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports development and construction of clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage in rural communities with populations of 10,000 or less. Funds may be used for acquisition, construction or improvements, and in some cases, related activities such as legal and engineering fees, land acquisition, permitting, start-up operations and maintenance, and other activities.

Funding Tool:  Grant and loan

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum noted

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  Rolling

Apply Via:  RDApply



  • Eligibility is dependent on population size and area income.
  • Grant eligible by town is available on the program website. Contact USDA before starting an application.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Development

Eligible Activities:  Supports low-income communities plan and develop applications for proposed USDA Rural Development water or waste disposal projects in rural communities with populations of 10,000 or less and a median household income below the poverty line or less than 80 percent of the statewide non-metropolitan median household income.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  Program materials list conflicting information. Maximum funding is either $25,000 or $60,000 or 75% of the predevelopment planning costs.

Match:  At least 25% of the project cost

Application Closing Date:  State applicant pool 12/16/22; national applicant pool 04/14/23

Apply Via:  RDApply



  • Even if your community is not grant eligible based on its Median Household Income (MHI), your project may still be eligible based on the MHI of its service area. Contact USDA Vermont to explore a project-based eligibility determination.
  • These grants do not have to be paid back if the application for a USDA-funded project is not successful. If awarded a grant, the grant amount will be subtracted from the total grant eligibility if a USDA grant is awarded for part of the water or waste disposal project.

Funding Entity: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Eligible Activities: Planning, final design, and construction of wastewater collection system and treatment facility construction, upgrade or refurbishment; water and energy efficiency or environmentally innovative projects; combined sewer overflow elimination; stormwater treatment and green infrastructure; community decentralized wastewater disposal systems non-point source pollution prevention, including natural resources projects; sewer extensions; and contaminated sites

Funding Tool:  Loan

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum noted

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date: Closing Date for inclusion on the Vermont Intended Use Plan 01/16/24 (See Note below). Applications – July 2024

Apply Via: 


Note: Each year the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) publish Intended Use Plans (IUPs) that explain how funding provided by the Federal government will be used. The IUP lists projects that have requested funding in a year and sets the State’s project priorities. Projects must be on the priority list or be accepted as an “emergency” project and must meet readiness to proceed criteria to receive funding.  The Closing Date reflects the last date to submit projects for inclusion in the IUP for the upcoming funding cycle.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

Eligible Activities:  Provides financial assistance to eligible 3-acre sites seeking to obtain Three-Acre Permit coverage. A “three-acre site” is an impervious surface of three or more acres that has never had an operational stormwater permit, or was permitted to standards in place prior to the 2002 Stormwater Management Manual.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding: All qualifying sites in the Lake Memphremagog, Lake Champlain, and stormwater impaired basins will be eligible for up to $49,999 in beneficiary payments. Up to $19,999 is reserved for permit review costs incurred during the Full Notice of Intent (NOI) (i.e., final permit application/authorization) submission and review process. Up to $30,000 is reserved for engineering costs/invoices. Manufactured Housing Communities are not subject to these cost caps within the $49,999 total.

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  10/31/24     09/01/24

Apply Via:  ANR Online portal



  • This program covers Phase 1 design and permitting costs only, not construction costs.
  • This program uses State ARPA funds. Therefore, costs incurred from 03/03/21 through 10/31/24 are eligible.

Funding Entity:  USDA Rural Utility Services

Eligible Activities:  Supports restoration, repair, or rebuilding of water infrastructure systems, include drinking water, wastewater, solid waste, and stormwater projects related to damages from Presidentially Declared Disasters that occurred between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. Also supports development of water infrastructure system capacity and resiliency to reduce or eliminate long term risks from hazards resulting from the eligible declared disaster. Costs reimbursed by insurance, FEMA, other EPA programs, state programs, and other programs cannot be covered by this program.

Funding Tool:  Grant

Min/Max Funding:  No minimum or maximum award amount

Match:  None required

Application Closing Date:  Rolling, until funds are exhausted

Apply ViaRDApply. Contact USDA Vermont Office prior to applying.


Notes:  Eligible Vermont municipalities are those located in Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grant Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington Counties (Vermont Severe Storm and Flooding (DR-4695-VT) with a population ≤35,000.

Funding Entity:  Vermont Bond Bank

Eligible Activities:  Supports repair, upgrade, or replacement of existing small water and wastewater systems that are recovering from Severe Storm 2023 and related flooding events. Eligible activities include preliminary engineering, engineering design and bid specification, and construction. If multiple facilities were impacted, they can be combined into a single application.

Funding Tool: Partially forgivable, 0% interest rate loans. There are two options for how the loan can be deployed based on whether FEMA Public Assistance reimbursement is expected or not. No closing costs. Loans can be flexibly structured as a current expense note initially, and then refinanced through the program into long-term debt, subject to review by local bond counsel.

Min/Max Funding:  None. Approximately $4.7 million is available statewide.

Match:  None

Application Closing Date:  08/23/24

Apply Via: Online application



  • The program is limited to systems in recovery from the 2023 storm but financed projects can include needs from the 2024 Beryl related storm, which will impair ongoing recovery and rebuilding efforts. The intent of the financing is to accelerate recovery by either bridging FEMA reimbursements at no cost and/or financing recovery projects not eligible for FEMA reimbursement at low costs.
    • Compliance with the Davis-Bacon Action is required. Please note that Davis-Bacon requirements were updated in October 2023. There is a preference, but not requirement, for Build America, Buy America domestic content.
    • The Tier II grant for small water systems at risk of failure is expected to open late summer 2024.
Publication Date