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Municipal Budgeting Recordings and Resources

Event Date: 9/18/24

This annual training explains basic municipal budgeting principles, how to comply with legal requirements, and best practices for preparing the budget for town meeting. This year you’ll also learn about VLCT’s new government finance assistance, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development (USDA-RD). Use this webinar as you embark on your budget development process.

OSHA Extends to July 22 the Comment Period for Proposed Emergency Responder Rule

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emergency medical workers responding to a call

VLCT recently received this information from Doug Kalinowski of the U.S. Department of Labor's Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (by way of Dan A. Whipple, OHST, VOSHA Program Manager for the Vermont Department of Labor). 

For context and explanations of how the proposed federal rules would affect local governments, see VLCT's April 23 posting OSHA Proposes Updates to Emergency Response Regulation

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has extended the comment period on its proposed rule to provide expanded safety and health protections for emergency responders, including firefighters, emergency medical service providers and technical search and rescue workers. Interested parties now have until Monday, July 22, 2024, to submit comments electronically at, which is the Federal eRulemaking portal. All submissions must include the agency's name and docket number for this rulemaking (Docket No. OSHA-2007-0073). For more information, please see the Federal Register notice or visit

$6.3 Million in VOREC Grants Boost 51 Outdoor Recreation Projects Across Vermont

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arial photo with callouts showing planned improvements to a recreation area

Montpelier, VT – Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore and the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) today announced 51 new recipients of the VOREC Community Grant Program. These projects mark an investment of over $6 million into Vermont’s outdoor recreation economy. 

"These grants are an investment in Vermont," said Secretary Moore. "They will help communities revitalize their outdoor recreation assets, create jobs, improve access to nature for Vermonters and visitors alike, and build stronger, more resilient communities for years to come."

Projects awarded in this year’s announcement fall into one of four tracks – Implementation, Project Development, Outdoor Equity, and Flood Recovery. Awarded projects will enhance recreation economies in rural, mid-size, and urban communities, lay the groundwork for future community-based projects, expand access to outdoor recreation for all people, and help communities and trail organizations recover from the flooding of summer 2023.

“We are pleased to support so many amazing projects across Vermont,” said Becca Washburn, Chair of the VOREC Steering Committee and Director of Lands Administration and Recreation for the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. “The interest in the program, as well as the strength of the applications demonstrates the opportunity communities from Grand Isle to Brattleboro see in investing in the connection between outdoor recreation and economic benefits.”

Awarded projects will support communities in 13 of Vermont’s counties, along with eight statewide projects. Notable projects include: 

  • Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) for opening almost the entire VAST system after suffering damage during the 2023 flooding. 
  • A coalition of partners led by the Vermont Trails and Greenways Council will be building an accessibility hub for trail users and managers.
  • Cochran’s Ski Area in Richmond for engineering and design for a new surface lift.
  • Franklin County Trails Alliance to plan connections from the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail to the St. Albans region.

For the first time, the grant program also encouraged projects focused on outdoor equity to apply to a dedicated funding track. Grant recipient, Arwen Turner, Executive Director of Come Alive Outside, said: 

“Come Alive Outside is thrilled to receive funding through the VOREC Community Grant Program’s Outdoor Equity track. This funding supports the continued work of Come Alive Outside’s Outdoors For All Initiative, a collective of organizations, businesses, and advisors with lived experience representing underserved and underrepresented populations in outdoor recreation. This funding will boost the collective’s ability to develop both simple and highly innovative solutions that make accessing the health, wellness, and joy benefits of outdoor activities in Rutland more equitable.”  

Governor Scott established the VOREC Steering Committee by executive order in June 2017 to bring together a broad set of outdoor recreation stakeholders to promote stewardship of state recreation assets and market Vermont’s outdoor recreation values and attributes to effectively foster responsible and sustainable economic growth. The VOREC Community Grant Program became one of the first and highest priorities of the committee. This grant round is the program’s fourth and most significant investment in communities across the state.

Learn more about the VOREC Community Grant Program and watch for future funding opportunities. 


List of 2023 VOREC Community Grant Recipients

The 13 municipalities that received a grant are highlighted


$65,000.00 Blueberry Hill Outdoor Center
Develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the Outdoor Center to ensure its viability as a community recreation hub.


Town of Cornwall
Develop a public recreation area on a parcel abutting the Cornwall Elementary School.

$221,500.00 Lincoln Sports, Inc.
Build a multi-use trail system including an ADA-compliant trail and a new parking lot that integrates with Lincoln Sports’ publicly available sports facilities.
$63,233.34 Middlebury Area Land Trust
Replace and improve the resilience of trails and infrastructure within Wright Park that were damaged in the summer 2023 floods.



$400,000.00 Manchester Riverwalk Association
Construct an ADA-compliant pedestrian and bike bridge over the Battenkill River.



$192,000.00 Friends of Dog Mountain
Revitalize and sustain the renowned 3-mile trail system on Dog Mountain's 150-acre property.
$74,927.00 Kingdom Trail Association
Work with Powered Magazine and the Kingdom East School District to expand access to mountain biking for adults and youth through free-of-charge mountain bike clinics, summer camps, and afterschool programs.




Town of Essex
In partnership with Fellowship of the Wheel, implement a scoping study for connecting the Saxon Hill area to the Essex Town Center.

$126,500.00 Catamount Outdoor Family Center
Create architectural, engineering and landscaping plans for a new main building at the Catamount Outdoor Family Center.
$32,900.00 Cochran's Ski Area
Complete the design, engineering plans and permitting for a new surface lift.
$29,286.00 Munt Family Room
Expand and improve outdoor recreation programming at the Munt Family Room for families and children with diverse experiences and backgrounds.
$14,000.00 Petra Cliffs Climbing Center and Mountaineering School
Acquire new mobility and adaptive climbing gear for use in Petra Cliffs programming.
$204,600.00 Shelburne Farms
Improve accessibility to Shelburne Farms facilities.


Town of Charlotte
Replace the septic system at the Town Beach that failed due to the flooding in summer 2023.


Town of Milton
Add new accessible recreation facilities and multi-lingual universally-designed trail signage to town recreation properties, and develop a marketing and programming plan focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in Milton’s outdoor recreational spaces.




$42,500.00 Franklin County Trails Alliance
Facilitate a visioning and planning process to connect St. Albans-area recreation facilities to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail.
$159,000.00 The DREAM Project
Expand capacity and build infrastructure to bolster programming at Camp DREAM.



$57,926.19 Healthy Islands and Community Support
Upgrade the skating rink and oval in North Hero village so that skating can be available through more of the winter season.



$61,310.00 Friends of Stowe Green Mountain Adaptive Sports
Purchase adaptive equipment that allows people with complex disabilities to experience snow sports.
$30,266.00 Northern Forest Canoe Trail
Replace and improve the resiliency of two portage trails along the Lamoille River that were damaged in the summer 2023 floods.


Town of Johnson
Conduct a scoping study to assess potential connections from the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail to the Johnson Town Center.


Town of Morristown
Purchase a gear trailer and new gear to replace the outdoor gear available at Oxbow Park that was lost and damaged in the summer 2023 floods.



$26,682.00 Orange County Restorative Justice
Initiate the Re-Entry Healthy Lifestyles Outdoor Pilot Program, which will offer safe, supportive, substance free, pro-social outdoor programming and recreation for previously incarcerated participants.
$48,335.00 Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary
Host a weekend gathering for members of Vermont's BIPOC community to learn and share about native plants, wildlife, tracking, hiking, and recreating outdoors.


Town of Bradford
Conduct a master plan for Elizabeth's Park in downtown Bradford.



$200,000.00 Newport City Downtown Development
Establish the Newport Outdoor Recreation Collaborative and collectively create and share opportunities for recreation based from downtown Newport.
$195,700.00 NorthWoods Stewardship Center
Improve access to Northwoods Stewardship Center facilities, build an All-Persons trail and improve the inclusiveness of NWSC's outdoor education programming.


Town of Glover
Expand infrastructure at Glover Park to include a sensory trail and all-access outdoor play facilities.



$298,950.00 Come Alive Outside
Provide capacity and programming support to Come Alive Outside's outdoor equity efforts in Rutland County.
$365,680.00 Merck Forest and Farmland Center
Install a universal access trail a boardwalk to connect Mettawee Community School to Merck Forest and Farmland Center's trail network and property.
$92,298.50 Smokey House Center
Develop a community-informed plan to revitalize Smokey House’s degraded trail system and design a trail-based community science program.


Town of Killington
Build a critical connection between the Sherburne Parking Lot and Pesky Cairn trails.



$101,860.00 Friends of the Winooski River, Inc.
Conduct a master and design plan for river access in Barre City so that all residents can access and enjoy the Winooski River.
$5,261.88 North Branch Nature Center
Repair and make more resilient the recreation infrastructure at North Branch Nature Center that was damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.
$25,000.00 Norwich University
Repair and make more resilient a mountain bike trail at Shaw Outdoor Center that was damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.


Town of Cabot
Restore and improve Cabot's Recreation Field that was damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.


Town of Cabot Trails Committee
Replace and make more resilient two bridges in the Cabot Trails network that were damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.


Town of Waterbury
Repair and make more resilient a soccer field and playground that were damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.

$123,762.25 Wrightsville Beach Recreation District
Purchase and outfit a mobile facility for outdoor gear rentals to replace the facilities damaged during the floods of Summer 2023.




Town of Wilmington
Upgrade and improve the accessibility of the Hoot, Toot, and Whistle Rail trail.

$58,475.00 Windham Foundation
Conduct an outdoor recreation planning process for the Village of Grafton including connections to trails, the village center and improving accessibility.



$100,000.00 Green Mountain Horse Association
Develop a flood mitigation and management plan for the Green Mountain Horse Association’s main campus in South Woodstock.
$44,166.00 Hartland Winter Trails
Repair and make more resilient the Hartland Winter Trail system that was damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.



$21,504.00 Catamount Trail Association
Purchase new ski equipment to sustain and expand Catamount Trail Association's youth learn to ski programs.
$196,585.00 CRO Planning & Design
Conduct a recreator survey and economic impact analysis for adaptive recreation in Vermont.
$27,500.00 Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
Design and deliver an Inclusive Spaces Audit Workshop for outdoor recreation providers who manage trails, campgrounds, marinas, visitor centers, etc.
$226,885.00 Unlikely Riders
Secure a temporary gear closet for BIPOC skiers and riders, conduct a strategic planning process for a permanent base lodge facility and expand the capacity of Unlikely Riders.
$317,400.00 Vermont ATV Sportsman's Association
Repair and make more resilient seven sections of trail within the VASA network that were damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.
$90,887.00Vermont Association of Snow Travelers
Repair and make more resilient six sections of trail within the VAST network that were damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.
$644,437.00 Vermont Trails and Greenways Council
In partnership with Vermont Adaptive, Northern Forest Canoe Trail, Vermont Mountain Bike Association, Upper Valley Trails Alliance, and Community Geo, develop a statewide trail accessibility hub and complete detailed trail assessments in order to promote and share high-quality information about trail access across the state. 
$59,994.95Vermont Mountain Bike Association
Repair and make more resilient nine sections of trail within the VMBA network that were damaged in the floods of Summer 2023.

Jackie Dagger, VOREC Program Manager
Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, 802-636-7410  

Testimony Regarding Local Option Tax to the House Ways and Means Committee

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Testimony of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns 
Ted Brady, Executive Director 
House Ways and Means Committee 
Regarding H.546 (Local Option Tax) 
May 2, 2024 

The Vermont League of Cities and Towns enthusiastically supports inclusion of Section 20 of the Senate Proposal of Amendment to H. 546 – authorizing voters of all Vermont municipalities to enact a local option tax at an annual or special meeting by majority vote.  

More than a third of Vermont municipalities – VLCT estimates 92 in total – already have this authority, and I encourage the committee to include this provision in an attempt to provide equity to all of Vermont’s municipalities. 

In 2015, VLCT looked at data from the Department of Taxes and JFO and estimated that 76 communities were given this authority with Act 60 – in recognition that increased education property tax pressure would negatively impact the municipalities’ revenues. One of the qualifiers was if “the combined education tax rate of the municipality will increase by 20 percent or more...” then the community qualified to adopt a local option tax.  Given many Vermont municipalities will experience a similar education property tax increase this year – it seems appropriate that the State recognize the pressure this puts on municipal budgets, and authorize local option taxes to offset those pressures. I’ve included a list of those 76 municipalities with my testimony. Sixteen of these communities have implemented some sort of local option tax. 

Another 16 cities and towns have implemented a local option tax through charters. Meaning 32 of the 92 communities authorized to have a local option tax have implemented one.    

While VLCT appreciates that the Legislature has never voted down a charter change with a local option tax provision, we find the charter process to be a cumbersome and inequitable way to treat the 155 municipalities that could only implement a local option tax by creating or amending a charter. Only 63 cities and towns have charters (another 21 villages are also chartered). It seems unnecessary to require a town to adopt a charter only to implement a local option tax that is almost sure to pass in this building and which more than a third of Vermont communities already have the authority to do. Creating a charter costs money and time that most municipalities don’t have.  

This is a particularly important time to enable municipalities to implement local option taxes because more cities and towns can benefit from them than ever before. Prior to the Wayfair decision, local option sales tax didn’t apply to online purchases. Now they do. Prior to the state taxing short term rentals, local option taxes didn’t apply.  Now they do. Short term rentals pose a particularly compelling argument to allow more towns to adopt local option taxes, as they are present in almost every city and town in Vermont and generate quite a bit of controversy and work for municipalities.  While previously only market towns could benefit from local option taxes, today, any town can. 

I also understand the Legislature and Tax Department may be concerned that making it easier to adopt a local option tax could result in a surge of adoption. I believe history quells this concern. Of the 76 communities authorized to adopt local option taxes in Act 60, only 16 have done so in a quarter century. While there may be a modest increase from the one to three municipalities adopting local option taxes a year as a result of this authorization, I do not believe there will be a significant increase in adoptions. 

Finally, this committee received testimony on the local option tax from the Department of Taxes at the beginning of the biennium. On January 11, 2023, the Department outlined the complexities associated with collecting local options taxes and how they are overcoming them.  During that testimony, the Department shared that the implementation and collection of local jurisdiction taxes is very common across the country, and state governments and businesses have found ways to comply. The Department also shared that a new tool created by VCGI – the Local Option Tax Finder – was helping businesses and customers comply. And they shared that they share information with the Streamlined Sales Tax Alliance that is used by many firms across the country to overcome those complexities. I understand many third-party vendors have also created solutions that overcome the complexities. 

I hope you’ll agree that now is the right time to give parity to the 155 municipalities that do not currently have the authority to implement local option taxes.  Thank you for your time. 



Andover Greensboro Norton Troy 
Athens Groton Orange Vergennes ID 
Baltimore Irasburg Pawlet Vershire 
Barnard Isle La Motte Peru Victory 
Berkshire Jamaica Pittsfield Wardsboro 
Berlin Jay Pittsford Warren 
Bethel Killington Plymouth West Haven 
Brattleboro Kirby Reading West Windsor 
Brighton Landgrove Readsboro Westmore 
Clarendon Londonderry Royalton Weston 
Dorset Lowell Rutland Town Williston 
Dover Ludlow Ryegate Wilmington 
Eden Lunenburg Sandgate Windham 
Essex Junction ID Maidstone Searsburg Winhall 
Essex Town Manchester Sheffield Woodford 
Fairfax Mendon Sheldon Woodstock
Fairfield Middletown Springs Springfield  
Fayston Morgan Stannard  
Grafton Mt. Tabor Stowe  
Granby North Hero Stratton [as of January14, 2015]


Title 24 VSA 138(a)(3) provides the following

“ a local option tax may only be adopted by a municipality in which: 

(A) the education property tax rate in 1997 was less than $1.10 per $100.00 of equalized education property value; or 

(B) the equalized grand list value of personal property, business machinery, inventory, and equipment is at least ten percent of the equalized education grand list as reported in the 1998 Annual Report of the Division of Property Valuation and Review; or 

(C) the combined education tax rate of the municipality will increase by 20 percent or more in fiscal year 1999 or in fiscal year 2000 over the rate of the combined education property tax in the previous fiscal year.” 

The towns above are listed based on computations done by VLCT based on data from the Vermont Division of Property Valuation and Review. Each listed meets one or more the tests set forth in 24 VSA 318 above.


32 Cities and Towns with some form of adopted local option tax. 
Compiled by VLCT using information from Local Option Tax | Department of Taxes (

Act 60 TownSalesMeals/Rooms/AlcoRoomsMeals and Alco
 Barre CityOctober 2022   
 BrandonOctober 2016October 2016  
XBrattleboroJuly 2019April 2007  
 BurlingtonJuly 2006Yes, Self Administered  
XCity of Essex JunctionOctober 2022October 2022  
 City of RutlandJuly 2023Yes, Self Administered  
 ColchesterOctober 2015October 2015  
XDoverJuly 2007July 2007  
 Elmore  July 2021 
 Hartford October 2017  
XJamaica July 2023  
XKillingtonOctober 2008 (Rescinded as of 7/1/2018) October 2008  
XLondonderry July 2024July 2023 
XManchesterApril 1999April 2008  
 MiddleburyOctober 2008October 2008  
 MontgomeryOctober 2022October 2022  
XRutland TownApril 2009April 2009  
 ShelburneJuly 2023July 2023  
 St. Albans CityOctober 2020October 2020  
 St. Albans TownJuly 2014July 2014  
 South BurlingtonOctober 2007October 2007  
 South Hero   July 2024
XStoweJuly 2023July 2006  
XStrattonJuly 2004July 2004  
XWardsboro  October 2023 
 WaterburyJuly 2024July 2024  
XWestmore  July 2024 
XWillistonJuly 2003July 2003  
XWilmingtonJuly 2012July 2012  
XWinhallJuly 2010July 2020  
 WinooskiJuly 2019July 2019  
XWoodstockJuly 2024July 2015  


Plan NOW for 7/1's BIG Changes to Overtime Pay Eligibility

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photo of binders labeled PAYROLL and OVERTIME on desk near calculator and eyeglasses

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced its final ruling on overtime eligibility under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The changes are significant and will affect many employees who currently qualify as exempt from the FLSA and its overtime rules. Elected officials are exempt from the FLSA and not entitled to overtime pay. The assistants of elected officials may be exempt from the FLSA, and you should consult with counsel to determine if the new thresholds apply to those positions.

To be classified as exempt from overtime requirements and other FLSA rules, a typical municipal employee’s job must meet one of the DOL-defined “job duties tests.” There are separate tests for Administrative, Executive, and Professional (EAP) exemptions. Additionally, to qualify for one of these EAP exemptions, employees must earn a minimum salary, regardless of the number of hours worked during the week. The current minimum is $684 per week, or $35,568 annualized. In other words, if an employee earns less than $684 per week, even if they are performing Administrative, Executive, or Professional work, an employer must pay them hourly, and the employee is entitled to earn overtime for hours worked over 40 in a week. 

The new FLSA rules will be implemented in two steps that substantially increase the minimum salary that an employer must pay an employee to be properly classified as exempt, regardless of their job duties. The new minimums are as follows:  

  • Effective July 1, 2024: $844 per week ($43,888 annually)  
  • Effective January 1, 2025: $1,128 per week ($58,656 annually) 

Also, in order to qualify for the Highly Compensated Employees (HCE) exemption, the minimum annual salary requirement will increase from $107, 432 to $132,964 on July 1, 2024 and then to $151,164 on January 1, 2025. 

The new rules also provide a mechanism to increase these minimum salary thresholds every three years.  

In practical terms for VLCT members, the changes mean employees who earn less than $844 per week as of July 1, 2024, will be eligible for overtime pay if their hours worked exceed 40 during the work week. Likewise, as of January 1, 2025, employees who earn less than $1,128 per week will be eligible for overtime. To prepare for these changes, members should identify which employees, if any, are currently classified as exempt and whose status will change with these new rules. If any exempt employees earn less than the new salary amounts, the employer must reclassify them as non-exempt.  

Of course, it’s important to remember that the minimum salary is required, but not sufficient, for a position to be classified as exempt. The DOL’s job duties tests are a required part of the exempt analysis.  

At this time, you may want to evaluate your budget and operation in view of these changes. Some relevant considerations are: 

  • Do you have appropriate time and attendance processes in place for employees who may become hourly? 
  • If employees are on the borderline, can you increase their base salary to maintain exempt status? 
  • Also, if you maintain an employee’s current rate and convert them to non-exempt status, can you forecast how much overtime they are likely to earn? Remember that activities such as attending night meetings, responding to work email or texts after hours, being on call on weekends, and checking email or responding to calls on vacation are all compensable activities for which employees would be entitled to pay. 
  • Closely look at your job descriptions to be sure that the duties or qualifications that support a position’s FLSA exemption are clearly defined. 

Also remember that any time you change an employee’s pay or method of performing work, you should talk to them about it first! And if a labor union is involved, you cannot change a term or condition of employment without fulfilling any relevant bargaining obligations. 

For more information, your US DOL contact person is Ana Maria Rogers
Community Outreach and Resource Planning Specialist
Northern New England District Office
United States Department of Labor  
Wage and Hour Division   
Direct Phone: 207-420-0165
Fax: 603-606-3140

OSHA Proposes Updates to Emergency Response Regulation

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photo of row of flack jackets hanging near ambulance in fire/rescue station

On February 25, 2024, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register which would update the existing fire brigade standard, 1910.156. The updated standard would create new training and medical evaluation requirements for fire departments, EMS entities, and hazmat responders. While this proposed Emergency Response standard is generally good for the safety and well-being of emergency responders, many of its elements would require a substantial increase in annual medical examination expenses for both private and municipal departments that provide these services.  

The proposed standard is still in the early stages of development at the federal level. We believe that members should be aware of the potential impacts of the standard as proposed. The public comment period is open now and will close on June 21, 2024. We encourage VLCT members to review the proposed standard and provide OSHA with comments if appropriate. 

Also know that the proposed language would have to become a final federal standard before it would be adopted by Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA) and take official effect in Vermont.

Selectboard Manual

How To Use This Manual 

This manual is designed for use by a municipality’s legislative body (e.g., selectboard, city council, aldermen, village trustees, or prudential committee) or their support staff.  In this manual we will use the term selectboard for consistency’s sake, but the information contained within is applicable to any legislative body.  This manual is intended to focus your efforts navigating the wide range of MAC resources relevant to the selectboard's discharge of their duties. The information contained in the former publication, The Selectboard Handbook, has been updated and posted to the website as distinct resources organized by topic and are updated on an ongoing basis.  

Use the table of contents to browse a listing of everything included in this manual. 

This manual explains the overarching context of the information for selectboards. While it is possible to download and print the full manual, using it on the web will ensure you always are referencing the most current information. This manual will be regularly updated as we develop more resources and to account for changes in the law; therefore, we recommend reviewing previously printed materials for accuracy before you rely on the information.

Visit the Municipal Assistance Center (MAC) webpage to find in-depth information and resources from VLCT and other relevant organizations on various municipal topics.

The Municipal Assistance Center attorneys and staff are here to help you. If you have any questions about your role as a member of a selectboard, city council, village board of trustees, or prudential committee, please call 800-649-7915, submit a question using the Municipal Assistance Portal (MAP), or email

DR-4720 Governor's Selection of 30-Day Window for 100% FEMA PA Reimbursement

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tree and other flood debris on paved road

To: Municipal Applicants for FEMA Public Assistance under DR4720 ("severe storms and flooding, July 7-21, 2023").

From: Canarecci, Kim <>

Date: Friday, February 9, 2024 7:15 AM


President Biden has approved 100% federal reimbursement for DR-4720 for Category A: Debris and Category B: Emergency Protective Measures projects for a 30-day window to be selected by Governor Scott. Governor Scott has selected the following dates:

Cat A – July 9 through August 7

Cat B –July 13 through August 11

Vermont appreciates the partnership and support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in our response and recovery from the historic flooding of DR-4720. This additional level of assistance will certainly help Vermont applicants recover and allow us to focus more resources on investing in long-term recovery and resilience.

If you have a DR4720 CAT A or CAT B project that has already been obligated at 75% federal share and paid, our finance team will adjust your subgrant agreements as FEMA reobligates them for the additional 25% federal share.  For all other projects, they will need to be formulated with your FEMA PDMG through the documentation process and will be paid from our finance team in the order of obligation.

 If you have any questions, please reach out.

 Thank you,

 Kimberly Canarecci

Vermont State Public Assistance Officer


Highlights of Your 2023 Compensation and Benefits Survey Responses

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January 17, 2024

Every year since 1968, VLCT has collected compensation and benefits information from its member towns, cities, and villages and shared it with all members to provide insight as to how they compare with each other. In our latest such survey, conducted in the summer of 2023, we collected the most responses ever, despite a record number of communities dealing with the results of catastrophic flooding. We received 182 responses to our online survey and 171 payroll reports, with a total of 184 distinct municipalities participating. 

Our goal for the survey is to provide hard to find contextual and comparison data in a format that is easy to use and understand. We organize all responses into the year’s report, to which every responding municipality receives free access both digitally and in a bound print. We know that municipalities rely on this resource to assess their pay rates, develop their budgets, and compare budgets and employee benefits with similar communities. 

During the last five years we have radically redesigned the survey to make it easier for municipalities to contribute their data. For example, we ... 

  • moved from a manual process to an online survey platform, 
  • worked with NEMRC to incorporate automated payroll reports for their users, 
  • extended the time for participation, 
  • reformulated questions to reduce the size of the survey, 
  • added an iPad raffle incentive for participating, and 
  • incorporated more contextual data (such as hire and termination dates) to help communities compare positions more accurately. 

These changes have increased participation in the survey and also the value of the data. If your municipality hasn’t responded in the last few years, we hope you will participate in 2024.

The timing of the annual survey is always a bit tricky given that two thirds of respondents operate on a July 1 to June 30  fiscal year and most municipalities begin their budget planning in the fall to prepare for their annual meeting (Town Meeting in March). Therefore, municipalities with a July-June budget cycle have a tight timeline after June 30 in which to provide their current year financial information. To ensure that our members have access to a robust dataset for their budget planning and salary setting endeavors in the fall, we leave the survey open through the first week of August and compile and format the data in a few short weeks to prepare it for the printer in October. Responding members receive free digital access to the report in October, and a bound print is mailed to their municipal office as soon as possible after that. We also make the report available in our web store for purchase by other members and non-members. 

Below we share with you a few highlights aggregated from the 2023 report. Some of these items include comparisons with the 2022 report to illustrate changes in the data or items that have remained relatively static. 


Population of Responding Municipalities

More than 79 percent of 2023’s 184 responding municipalities have between 169 and 3,000 residents, according to the 2020 U.S. Census. In the table below, the missing population ranges had no respondents.

PopulationNumber of Responding Municipalities


Budget Cycles Used by Responding Municipalities

Of the municipalities that responded to our 2023 survey, nearly two thirds operate on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year, one third are on a calendar year budget cycle, and a mere five individual members use a different budget cycle. This is represented in this pie chart:


Budgets and Payroll Changes

Operating and personnel budgets remained surprisingly static this year despite the uptick in annual cost of living increases provided to municipal employees. Additionally, average personnel budgets as a percentage of total operating budgets increased by about only one percent this year. However, it is important to note that these are not exclusively apples-to-apples comparisons because responding municipalities may change from year to year. In fact, 137 of 2023’s respondents had also provided their total operating budget and personnel data in 2022. Twenty-five of 2022’s respondents were unable to participate in the 2023 survey, whereas 57 of the 2023 respondents had not participated in 2022.

Average and Median Operating and Personnel Budgets

Calculations2023 Personnel2023 Operating2022 Personnel2022 Operating

$1,158,014.06 (36% of operating budget)


$1,099,622.53 (36% of operating budget)



$528,614.00 (34% of operating budget)


$1,437,786.00 (33% of operating budget)








Statutory Officials

Of the 2023 respondents, 64 (28 percent) have a chief administrative officer (CAO) to lead municipal operations, whether a statutory municipal manager or a non-statutory municipal administrator. In 2023, one municipality added a municipal manager position and three added a municipal administrator position. 

Most positions that are required by state law were still elected in 2023, as you can see from the Elected vs. Appointed chart below. 



Stay tuned! In 2024 we will re-launch the municipal census (last conducted in 2014) to gather more in-depth information from members on the status of Vermont local government operations.